Pecan Grove ( Pecan Grove and Senior Residence

July 31, 2017

July 2017

Filed under: Pecan Grove,Senior Residence — knewman @ 3:36 pm

The biggest news in July was that Ruth Evans went back to Georgia to be in a facility owned by the Garys.  She had been at PG a little more than a year.  Kelvin, Sharon and Colleen picked her up on their way back from Happy.  The pictures below show the residents and Jack with Ruth the day before she left, then the residents and future residents 😊.

Here’s Ruth’s early morning send off, and her first evening’s supper in her apartment with Mark and Lauren Gary and family.

Collene and Sharon came to visit for several days before Happy.  Pat and Linda Bly visited from Missouri.

Kathy’s sister Kim Schneider and family visited from Minneapolis.  Here’s Kim with Marybelle, then the 4 cousins, Faith, Kathy, Kim and Lori.  Next is Kim’s 3 kids with the twins and the wolf.

Samuel’s brother Noe visited with family and friends from South Houston.  Edna and Pearl came to visit Fern.  Lyle stopped for a visit, shown here with Alice and John.

Conchita had a birthday in July, Marybelle cut paper dolls for the kids, and we had some fireworks on July 4th.

Kathy, Karin and the kids visited Teresa in the nursing home.  Kathy and I visited Clinton, who had just had a hair cut.


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