Pecan Grove ( Pecan Grove and Senior Residence

August 31, 2013

August 2013

Filed under: Pecan Grove,Senior Residence — knewman @ 11:00 am

All are doing reasonably well at PG.  We’ve had much to be thankful for in August.  Rachel and Jeanette visited and Jack took the following group picture with all the residents.  Back row: Roger Cleveland, Mary Jane Pike, Rachel Potter, Jeanette Coker, Betty Lawrence, Jean Hagemeier and Teresa Goff.  Front row: Frances McPherson, Bea Jecmenek, Doris Crawford, Naomi Nicholson and Esther Potts.


Kathy and I had the privilege of taking Naomi with us to Milford NH convention.  She traveled well and really enjoyed herself.  She still glows when she talks about it.  The following pictures show her with the workers and riding a golf cart.  Craig Dean is driving the cart but I know who is in control! 🙂

Milford with NaomiNaomi on cart


Linda Ronhaar took Esther to Yellow Springs OH convention and for a visit with her relatives in OH.  Here’s the workers picture with Esther, and Esther with old friends Bill Houston and Duane Hettich at Morrow OH.

Yellow Springs 1Bill Houston, Esther Potts, Duane Hettich

Visitors this month included Warren Berger, Shaun and Sandy Schleuter (from Washington state), Sharon and Sara, Emma and Joyce.

William Berger Shaun and Sandy Schleuter Sharon and Sara Emma and Joyce

Two of our full-time staff, Brisy Valdez and Salena Thorburn are headed back to college this fall.  Salena will continue to work one shift on the weekends.  We’ve hired two new full-time girls from the local area, Andrea and Jennifer.  The picture below shows Andrea and Jennifer with Brisy.  The second picture is of Travis, Jamie and Aliyah Bolt.  Travis works at PG.

Andrea, Jennifer and BrisyTravis, Jamie and Aliyah

Dad (Jack), Karin and Don Waldo all had birthdays in early August.  Both our daughters, Karla (mother of the twins) and Karin are expecting!  So if all goes well, by May next year we’ll double the number of grandchildren we have from 2 to 4.  The second picture below shows Karin and her husband Patrick Kelleher, with Maren (one of Karla and Brendan’s twins).  Karin is the assistant manager at the Sr. residence, and Patrick is starting to work at PG also, so we’ll see a lot more of him.  Once Patrick starts, if everyone is there, there will be 5 of us working in the barn for 2 different small businesses – Don Waldo, Jason Munckton, Patrick Kelleher, Travis Bolt and myself.  We often head down to the Sr. residence for lunch with the residents.

Jack, Don, Karin Maren, Karin, Patrick

So far the pecans are doing well.  There’s still a drought here, with less than half the rain we should have had to date, but Samuel keeps the irrigation systems going and the little rain we have had sure helps.  The Pawnee pecans should be ready for harvest by the end of September, with the other 4 types ready later in October.  We’ve had a good cutting of hay off of the hay field for the first time, so the farming activity is increasing.

Speaking of Naomi… at bible study this morning we read 1Th 5:26 Greet all the brethren with an holy kiss.  She tossed a Hershey’s Silver Hershey's Kiss Squishy Candy Pillow at me and grinned like a mule eating huckleberry’s in the winter time!  I complained that it didn’t have any holes in it.  We need to be careful, Roger doesn’t approve of humor during bible study.





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