Pecan Grove ( Pecan Grove and Senior Residence

January 31, 2012

January 2012

Filed under: Ponds,Senior Residence — knewman @ 10:04 pm

Barbara Hilligoss arrived today (the last day of January) to be our 11th resident at PG.  Janet Nicol accompanied her from Indianapolis and will stay for a few days while Barbara gets settled.  The picture below shows them arriving. The second picture shows mom cutting Frank’s hair (completely unrelated!).

Jennifer Downs, the younger sister worker in our field, shown below between her aunt Donna Smith and her mother Susan Harding, has run off to Haiti to help out for a few months.  A girl who has been going to school near us, Michaela Dotson, was waiting to go in the work… so she started last week, taking Jennifer’s place.  Lyle and Doug brought her to PG on her first day.  The old sisters told her about their first gospel meetings.  Esther commented that shes starting in the place where they are finishing.

Three “kids” (young employees) have been working part-time at PG to replace Lounell and Marianna.  Corey Stephens, Destiny Minor (who has been living with Mike (her uncle) and Ronda Rosamond at PG for a few years), and Crystal Bryant.  The first picture below is of Corey, and the second shows Crystal and Brandon – they had the same birthday.

There was a sing at PG on Saturday… about 70 of us.

Other birthdays in January, Connie Dalrymple and Joyce Lawrence, and Francis McPherson shown with the her daughter Patty Maki and family.

Sandra Wilson was here to visit her sister Doris Crawford and her sister-in-law Evelyn Wilson.  Dad and mom had their 60th wedding anniversary.

My uncle (mom’s brother) and aunt, Lynn and Florence Fuller, were her for mom’s 80th birthday (see the December post).  While they were here, Naomi “died” during the bible study .  After 10 min of no response, with her laid out on the floor, all the residents watching, with the EMT’s on the way, there was a discussion about whether they needed an ambulance or a herse.  Florence told Lynn to fold Naomi’s arms across her chest.  When he did this he lost his balance and fell on her chest.  This gave her heart a kick-start.  Unfortunately it was against her DNR… but accidents happen!  A few minutes later whe was sitting up explaining to the EMTs that shs didn’t have time to go to the hospital… she had too much to do!  She had her bed to make and 12 letters to write.  Frank immediately volunteered to make her bed (that’d be a first!).  She finally agreed to go in the ambulance if they wouldn’t cut her clothes off of her.  The last time she was in an ambulance they cut her clothes off and she had to sew them back together again!  Also, she insisted on sitting up in the ambulancee so she could see the country.  She spent a night in the hospital, and came back home the next day.  The following picture shows Lynn, Florence, Sandra, with Norma and Gordon Charboneau.  The second shows Cindy Erickson (our noisest employee) 60th birthday.  The grim reaper balloon says “relax, I’m just here for the cake”.

We’ve had some rain, so that our lakes on the farm are full, but Lake Conroe is still down 7 ft, so we’re not out of the woods yet.  We have plenty of dead trees to prove it.

Ralph and Dee Hart were here to visit Evelyn (and the rest of us).  Dan McKerrow from Frank’s home part in New York visited Frank.



















January 1, 2012

December 2011

Filed under: Pecan Grove,Senior Residence — knewman @ 6:11 pm

December was a good month for the residents at Pecan Grove.  We finished our building modification so now we have room for 12 residents, though we still only have 10. There were many visitors, especially with the holidays.  Here are pictures of some of them, and of Frank with the beautiful flowers he received.

Unfortunately we’ve had a sad situation develop with some of the employees.  Marianna Hughes became very sick and unable to continue working.  Lounell Clayborn resigned to be with Marianna.  This decision was just finalized yesterday, so we’re searching for some replacements.  Fortunately there are several in the area who are willing and able to step in and help.  We feel for Marianna and Lounell, and hope Marianna’s health improves soon.

Mom (Leona Newman) turned 80 yesterday.  Her brother and his wife, Lynn and Florence Fuller, flew in from Pennsylvania.  David and Mary Bolt, from the Newry PA convention grounds, were here with their daughters Heather and Anna to visit their son Travis Bolt and his wife Jamie.  Trevor Chenault was also here with them.  So last night the Bolts and Newmans were together at Brent and Ann’s for mom’s birthday.  The Bolt and Newman families met the gospel together in the 1930’s…. and have been good friends for 4 generations.  The pictures below show mom’s lunch at PG and then the Newman (including Lynn and Florence Fuller) and Bolt groups with mom last night.

In all, 2011 was a wonderful year.  We look forward to another good year in 2012.


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