Pecan Grove ( Pecan Grove and Senior Residence

January 31, 2015

January 2015

Filed under: Senior Residence — knewman @ 9:41 pm

It’s hard to believe the first month of 2015 is already over!  All at PG are doing well.  Naomi passed out again at bible study yesterday.  We laid her back for a few minutes and she came around.  We’re fairly certain it’s caused by her blood pressure medication which she takes at breakfast…. her BP get’s too low.  Several new things happening at PG:

  • Martha Houston came to live and work at PG for a few months.  We’re really glad for her help!  And Esther is really glad to have someone from Ohio here!
  • Leah Bolt is with us for about a month… it sure is good to have her back for a visit.
  • Roger Cleveland’s brother, Elton (97), is going to join us as a resident at PG in March.
  • Jeannette Ford is coming next week for most of 2 months.

Martha’s cousin, Mary Jo Houston, came with Martha and visited a few days.  Here’s Martha, Mary Jo and Esther.  Also old friends, Leona with Leah.

Martha, Mary Jo, EstherLeona and Leah

Joyce was here for her birthday.  They had a cake for her at lunch, then Conchita had a surprise dinner for her at in the evening.

Joyce's BirthdayJoyce's Birthday 2

Don and Jenny Waldo moved to Minnesota.  We had a get together at PG for them.  Here are several pictures from that day.  The first is of the Waldos with Jason Munckton riding the Polaris.  Next, Johnathan and Li Ping with Kathy.  Then Jamie Bolt with Jenny.  Then Ann Newman with the 3 Waldo kids.

Waldos and JasonJohnathan, Kathy, Li PingJaimie Bolt and Jenny WaldoDSC07498

More pictures from that day… Conchita with Katelyn and Naomi with Ava and Katelyn.

Conchita and KatelynAva, Naomi and Katelyn

Brent brought his drone with a camera and flew it.  Here’s a group watching the flight, including our 2 sisters here… Jennifer and Sara.  The second picture is of the Waldos just as they were leaving.

Watching the droneWaldos leaving

Sara’s mom and grandparents, Pam, Alice and Steve Lacock came for a visit.  The second picture was taken by Brent’s drone.  It shows the Sr. Residence in the lower right, our new house on the left and the Mille’s new house barely visible in the woods slightly left of center.
LacocksPicture from Drone

If you’re interested in seeing the video from Brent’s drone crash and then flight, here they are:


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