Pecan Grove ( Pecan Grove and Senior Residence

August 31, 2011

August 2011 – Busy Month!

Filed under: Senior Residence — knewman @ 5:11 pm

A lot happened in August at PG.  The 3 workers went to 3 different conventions.  Frank went to Seneca IL, Esther went to Yellow Springs, OH, and Doris went to Downings, VA.  Sharon Whalin traveled with Frank, Linda Ronhaar traveled with Esther, and Kathy and I traveled with Doris.  The following is the workers picture from Yellow Springs with Esther on the far right:

There were several birthdays, our daughter Karin, Dad and Ronda.  The following pictures show Mom with Karin and Dad.

Towards the end of the month Kent and Sharon Chappell brought Naomi Nicholson to PG to be our 9th resident.  By coincidence Naomi and Esther (along with Linda, Kent and Sharon) were on the same plane from Cleveland OH to Houston.  Kent, Sharon and I knew this was going to happen (though it actually was a coincidence), the others didn’t.  The first picture below shows Esther and Naomi “running into each other” in the Cleveland airport.  The second shows Kent and Sharon Chappell at PG.

The following pictures are of Naomi and Bea, and of Doris working on a puzzle in the great room.

Today we took a group picture including 8 of the residents (Jean is visiting her brother in Indiana), Kathy and I, Dad and Mom, and Ronda.

We are looking forward to Evelyn Wilson joining our residents in October.


August 2, 2011

July 2011 – Hot and Dry!

Filed under: Pecan Grove,Senior Residence — knewman @ 9:07 am

A group of the Mexican friends from south Houston came to PG for a picnic on July 4th.  There were about 70 of us altogether.  Wonderful fellowship and food!

We had lots of visitors in July.  I’ll include some of their pictures.  If you move the mouse over a picture it’ll give you the title with some names.

Jason Munckton, a good friend of Lounells, came to visit before going with her to Happy and then into the work in Minnesota.  He told us his testimony one evening at PG.

Frank turned 72 in July.  He’s headed to Illinois in August for convention.  Kathy and I will be taking Doris to Downings.  Bea went to Happy.  So lots of travel this summer.


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