Pecan Grove ( Pecan Grove and Senior Residence

November 30, 2023

November 2023

Filed under: Pecan Farming — knewman @ 8:31 pm

The beginning of November really warmed up compared to October. We had some very pleasant fall days. We’ve enjoyed many visitors this month, not just for the memorial either. Ray and Myra Klepzig came and brought tea, so we had a little impromptu tea party at the table. Here is everyone having a cozy cup of tea.

Ray and Myra and a spot of tea

Our workers, Clarence Mounce and Carl Hamilton, have started gospel meetings here at PG again. The residents really appreciate being able to attend instead of traveling or listening from afar.

We always look forward to visits from friends across the pond. Geoff and Linda Murray came to us from New Zealand. They lived on Lake Conroe and went to meeting with us from 1999 to 2002, so it is good to see them again after so long. Here they are with some of the ones they visited, as well as with Karin and Karla who really enjoyed growing up with their kids.

“Many hands make light work” is the motto of all the visitors who come here. Everyone likes to jump in and help where they can. Here are some shots of our visitors helping out.

Happy Thanksgiving! We enjoyed having the Furrows and our workers for lunch. Here are some shots of the table and our holiday spread. There is much to be thankful for around here!

We enjoyed a visit from Andrew and Monica Newman from Atlanta, Georgia. Andrew recently retired from Ken’s old company, CTES, and came for a retirement party and to visit PG.

Ken, Kathy, Monica and Andrew Newman

Resident Journals

Marilynn Frye

Marilynn had a bad fall at the beginning of the month. She was taking out the trash and lost her balance, falling hard on the stone banister before sitting down. She had a mobile X-ray come and check her out, which said she had no broken bones. However, the pain was quite severe, so Salena took her to the hospital which found that she had a small crack in her femur just below her hip replacement. She also has compression fractures in her spine but it’s not clear if they are new or old. She was able to return to us after a week of rehab, and has been doing well with physical therapy. All of this happened just before her 80th birthday which we celebrated belatedly at PG on Thanksgiving Day. Here she is with visitors in the hospital as well as at her birthday party upon her return to PG.

Elsie Schroeder

Elsie has been having a tough time with Louis’ passing. Having Roberta here was very comforting and the two of them spent a lot of quiet time together, walking and doing puzzles. Here are the ladies deep in contemplation.

We had a memorial for Louis on the 11th, with the family and many friends attending. Here are some pictures of the set up and of the friends and family who attended.

Alice Oetken

Alice is doing well and she still walks with her cat everyday. She enjoyed the visitors for the memorial as well, several came from the Midwest where she grew up. She also got a special visit from her nephew-in -law and his son, Roger and Lee Fryer. Here she is walking with her cat and at Thanksgiving, and lastly with her visitors in the entry way.

Elton Cleveland

Elton has been enjoying having Karen and David around so much. Unfortunately, he had a fall after Louis’ memorial. Nothing broken, just a scraped knee. Here he is with visitors and playing a duet with our visitor Dorothy Kleeb.

Always take the opportunity for a duet

Also our great friend and Elton’s daughter, Karen Cleveland, had a birthday this month. She turned 76! Here she is with her four quadrant cake.

Marie Mounce

Marie was able to spend some time with family after Effie. She saw her sisters and their families for a few days before being brought back. Here she is at the hearth with her sisters and one of their husbands.

Lecil and Annette Bassett, Verena McFadden and Marie

Joyce Naber

Joyce really loved a visit from her sister Diane and friend Dorothy Kleeb. Here she is reading her mail and with Diane. They took walks to feed the fish and helped Elsie with the puzzle, but mostly chatted and laughed (two of Joyce’s favorite things).

Ronald Elliott

Ronald is doing well, just a little unsteady on his feet. The staff has been encouraging him to use his walker, and he has been for his walks to the pond. He actually prefers to carry his cane on his walker, in case he needs to go on an adventure. Here he is returning from one of his jaunts, and again with Dan Wisecup.

Gwen Farmer

Gwen has been up and down this month. She had a bronchial cold for a while that was hard for her to shake. She still made the effort to come out and do the puzzle as well as attend all meals and studies. Here she is keeping up with her geography.

Never stop learning

Esther Duncan

Esther has been doing well, except for some continued teeth trouble. She had a few more teeth pulled, and finally got a partial denture that fit well. She is happy to have teeth again and be back to normal food. She has had a busy end of the year. After having several conventions she went away again to New Mexico to see Caroline Dunn and is back now.

Gilbert Reese and Fern Duncan

Gilbert and Fern are doing well, they still enjoy visitors and mail. Gilbert still enjoys his treats, here he is eating a peppermint patty.

Last month we included videos of a buck and a bobcat. Here’s a coyote taken at the same location.

Thank you all for your continued interest in the residents here. We can’t stress enough how much we appreciate the outpouring of support and love we receive, especially in times of mourning.

Kenny and Ken

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