Pecan Grove ( Pecan Grove and Senior Residence

June 29, 2014

June 2014

Filed under: Pecan Farming,Senior Residence — knewman @ 5:50 pm

The longest day of the year has already past!  Now for a hot and humid summer.  We’re receiving plenty of rain.  We made a big effort to repair the irrigation system for the pecan trees, so that should guarantee that we won’t need it this summer!

All the residents are doing well.  Bea had a cold in June but she’s over it now.  She takes this stuff called Echinacea, which I call her euthanasia medicine (she doesn’t seem to know the difference)…  it seems to work for her!  One of the staff, Melissa (see picture in May post) is in the hospital with severe vomiting and water on her lungs… has been in ICU but today she was moved to IMU.  We’re not sure the cause of her sickness… but hope she recovers soon.

Bea turned 94 and  Doris turned 91 in June.  Two of the staff, Jennifer (with Doris below) and Melissa also had birthdays.

Bea turns 94Doris and Jennifer

Doris’s sister Sandra came to visit from Alabama and brought Carrol Bush and Charles and Mary Lou Lewis with her.  They are shown with Doris in the picture below.  Sandra’s son Chris and his family came to visit as well.  The second picture shows Chris and family with Sandra and Doris.

Carrol Bush, Charles and Mary Lou Lewis with Sandra and DorisSandra and Doris with Alex, Chris, Annabeth, Amy Burden

Maria Lopez (from Houston) and her parents Benjamin and Rita Lopez from Monterrey came to visit Samuel and Conchita.  They’re shown below with Betty and Naomi.  Samuel and Conchita are standing.  Jennifer Benjamin from Oregon came to visit Don and Jenny Waldo.  The picture by the eagle shows Jennifer with Jaina, Ava and Don Waldo.

Maria, Benjamin and Rita LopezJen Benjamin with Jaina, Ava and Don Waldo

Cindy and Dub Johnson from NY came again to visit PG in general and Naomi in particular.  The second picture is of mom (Leona) holding her great grandson, Evren Furrow.

Cindy and Dub JohnsonLeona with great grandson Evron Furrow

The pecan trees are doing well.  Here’s a picture in the orchard and of some small pecans.

Pecan OrchardPecans on Trees

The residence across the lake with the lily pads…

Residence across the lake 


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