Pecan Grove ( Pecan Grove and Senior Residence

January 31, 2018

January 2018

Filed under: Pecan Grove,Senior Residence — knewman @ 6:10 pm

Teresa Goff continued to improve from her hip surgery, and then suddenly took a turn for the worse.  She was taken from the nursing home to the hospital and passed away quickly Jan 20.  She was 97.  She came to PG in May 2009 and went to the nursing home in January 2016.  There was a memorial service for her at PG and a grave side service in Birmingham,  Alabama.  The picture below was taken soon after she came.

Richard Gasser brought Gilbert Reese (94) to join the residents at PG January 26th.  Pictures of the welcoming committee below include Richard, Gilbert, Kenion, Loren, John and Ken.

We now have 7 residents shown below with Dad, who isn’t a resident but spends much of his time at the residence.  Back row: Gilbert Reese, John Culver, Elton Cleveland and Jack Newman.  Front row: Alice Oetken, Marybelle Armstrong, Fern Duncan and Jean Hagemeier.

Visitors included David and Lenore Olson, Roger and Marian Fryer, with the Overbys, residents and Salena.  Also Dub and Cindy Johnson from New York, shown here with Fern, Dad and Elton.

Also Caroline Simmons from the Boston area, and Larry and Jan Pierce from Georgetown.

Marybelle turned 92.  Here she’s with our twins, Maren and Maven Furrow, and her brother Charles who is visiting.

Roger Cleveland seems to have recovered from the pneumonia, but is still not doing well.  He sleeps most of the time, and is completely deaf.

Clinton Goff stays about the same.  His brother Norris visited him this month.

Raymond Reece fell and cut himself.  LeRoy Sanford came to visit Raymond, shown here with our daughter Karin Kelleher.  We cut the eagle off of the tree stump, and are trying to decide how to treat the rot.

Thank You,



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