Pecan Grove ( Pecan Grove and Senior Residence

August 31, 2024

August 2024

Filed under: Senior Residence — knewman @ 3:36 pm

August has been hot, which is not surprising given the heat wave all across the country. We had a handful of quick visits this month, and one week long visit. Elsie’s daughter Carol and Granddaughter Ameillia Aarestad came for a nice visit. They bought all our ladies flowers, which they were overjoyed to pose with. Here they are with their flowers, the board that Ameillia left us and again everyone at the dinner table.

The only birthday this month was Fern who turned 94. Salena decided that it would be nice to take everyone to Park Manor nursing home to see her, Gilbert and Alice for a birthday treat. Here she is with her birthday bouquet, and again with Joyce and Marie encouraging her to eat her dessert.

Elton’s son, David, came for a week long visit to help with taking him to appointments and keeping him company. Here they are with everyone that went to Park Manor enjoying Elton’s favorite restaurant, Golden Corral, and again at PG with Elton.

Ken and Kathy had the grandkids for a few days so they brought them to the center to play. Here they are on the floor shooting marbles.

Play Time Is Never Over With Kids Around

Unfortunately, our dryers have been acting up these past few months. It finally came time to replace the worst one, and Kent Opel happily obliged to help put it in. Here he is triumphant with his granddaughter, Abigail.

Hurray! New Dryer

With all this heat, after all the rain, nature has been abounding everywhere. Here is a close up of our new sunflower, a fairy ring of mushrooms, and Andray with a dead snake we found in the building.

Ken and Kathy have been moving out of their house so that the Furrows could move in. Which means the center has received some refreshing new furniture. Here are Ronald and Marie trying out the “new” chairs.

Speaking of the Newman’s moving, here is a quick shot of the progress on going at the cabin.

Resident Journals

Esther Duncan

Esther was invited to attend the conventions in Tennessee and Kentucky this month. She has been helping Joyce a lot in the evenings, brushing her hair and getting her ready for bed. Here she is with her latest dessert, white cake with cream and strawberry filling.

Marie Mounce

Marie got covid this month. She had mild symptoms such as soar throat and cough, but some interesting side effects like loss of taste. She had to isolate for a several days. Once better, she went to Park Manor with the rest of the residents for Fern’s birthday. Here she is with Gilbert and Joyce.

Gwen Farmer

Gwen does well as usual. She continues to have correspondence with several overseas, and daily works on the puzzle with Elsie or Joyce. She was away at an appointment when the ladies got their flowers, so here she is with hers in her room.

Elsie Schroeder

Elsie does well still, she especially enjoys when her family comes for long visits. She was pleased to get help on the puzzle from her daughter, and likes to walk with her visitors around the circle. Here she is with Gwen and Gilbert at Park Manor.

Elton Cleveland

Elton has been struggling with foot and bladder issues. He has gotten a few treatments recently that seem to be helping. Here he is during his new routine of sitting outside to warm up after every meal, and listening to David play at Park Manor.

Ronald Elliott

Ronald is still about the same. He showed us a spot on his ankle that was swollen and hot to the touch, which he said was quite painful. Then he recently had several skin cancer spots removed from his nose and ear. He had a very quick visit from Wendall Wilson again. Wendall said he was working in Conroe and may be around more often. Here he is helping Ronald to get back to his room, and Ronald after his cancer removal.

Joyce Naber

Joyce needs our help a little more these days. At night Esther or the staff have been helping her with her hair, and throughout the week the staff tries to remind her to shower. As ever, she takes clear directions well and is happy to comply. She recently was gifted a Horse Lamp by the Opels, which she was pleased to show to others. Here she is with Alice.

Alice Oetken

Alice is making some progress with physical therapy. They said she could stand and walk at least fifteen feet on her own using a walker, and that she only needed some assistance with changing and the restroom. Here she is enjoying some flowers someone sent, and again smiling with Esther.

Fern Duncan and Gilbert Reese

Fern and Gilbert stay about the same. The staff at Park Manor wheel Gilbert over to visit Alice sometimes, which is sweet. He did not recognize most of the residents who came to visit, but was still talking with them. Fern was alert and seemed to recognize most of her visitors. We asked the staff at Park Manor to give Gilbert a hair cut. Here he is looking spiffy while talking with Esther.

We really appreciate your continued interest in the residents here.


June 30, 2024

June 2024

Filed under: Senior Residence — knewman @ 4:02 pm

June has been a month of rejoicing, for different reasons. As many of you may know, Marilynn Frye passed away this month. It was truly a blessing that from the time she started hospice until she passed was short. If she had lingered on, her life would only have been pain and breathing difficulty. We will miss her humor and her kindness, but we know she has chosen the better part. Where she has gone we too hope to follow, and she has left a pristine example of how to do so.

Many came to Marilynn’s memorial service Saturday June 15th after she passed June 11. There were about 185 in attendance with many bringing dishes for pot luck afterwards. There were also close about 385 teleconference connections to listen to the service. Mona Reese, Esther Wahlin, Carl Hamilton, and Lyle Schober had the service. They recounted many sweet memories of their time with her, and expressed how much her life encouraged them to go deeper into prayer and thankfulness. Lyle later mentioned that she “preached her own funeral in life” which we can all agree with. Here are pictures of the chairs set up in the great room before the service, a picture during the service, and Marilynn’s portrait near some flowers.

The residents, staff, and friends here decided to hold a little burial for the spreading of Marilynn’s ashes at the pond. The idea was suggested by her brother, Doug Frye, and everyone was asked to mention a few words for her. We sang a hymn, everyone had a word, and then her ashes were poured out. Each one honored Marilynn by leaving a rose in the pond before finishing with another hymn. Here are some photos of the burial with everyone in attendance, the roses circling on the pond, her cremains box, and lastly when everyone was leaving.

As we mentioned earlier, we have had other reasons to rejoice this month. We had two birthdays back to back. First was Joyce Naber who turned 81 and the next day Gwen Farmer who turned 90! Here they are about to enjoy their cakes.

It has been hot and wet still, so nature has been showing its abundance. Here are pictures of a large Rat Snake Kenny found on the road, and some neighborly goats who come to graze the horse pasture.

Resident Journals

Marilynn Frye

Right up to the end Marilynn was receiving caring visitors. Her sister-in-law, Barb Frye’s sister, Mary Spinner, came right at the end to take care of her. Mary was the only one with her at the very end. Before that she had visits from Ellen Griswold, Brenda Husman, Fe Gatan and Sue Dawson, as well as some of the Newmans, Suttons and Uzzells. Here they are posing with her, and Mary posing with Kathy in the entry way.

Alice Oetken

Alice is doing well, she sometimes gets confused with her phone and how to operate it. Other than that, she remains happy to see all our visitors and tries to spend as much time with them as possible. Here she is with Fe Gatan and Sue Dawson when they came to see Marilynn.

Ronald Elliott

Ronald is doing well, he still has trouble figuring out his phone and tablet but doesn’t give up. He received some visitors this month also, Ernie, Steve and Rita Blackburn. Here he is lost in thought on the patio and posing near the piano with his company.

Esther Duncan

Esther has been doing great, she is currently on a month long trip to Ireland. She is getting to spend time with her sister and family as well as go to two conventions. She has sent greetings and says how much fun she is having. Here she is joyfully embarking on her voyage and with her sister in Ireland.

Elsie Schroeder

Elsie has had a few visits from her family this month. First was her granddaughter, Candace Sandon and her three children AJ, Miles, and Brynna. Then Elsie’s grandson, Theron, came for a day with Angela and their three children Everett, Lewis, and Camille. Here they are fishing at the pond, and Miles with a fish he caught, and Elsie posing with Candace and her children.

Marie Mounce

Marie is doing the same, still loves to bring her Cajun experience into the kitchen. This time she made Shrimp Scampi over noodles. Here she is with her creation, and the pasta by itself.

Elton Cleveland

Elton is slowing down, mostly in the hearing and comprehension department. His son, David, came for a while to help him with this new transition. Here they both are at the burial.

Joyce Naber

Joyce is doing well, the routine here keeps her focused and happy. She also had a birthday right before Gwen and they enjoyed each others celebrations very much. Here she is with the puzzle crew at the puzzle table, and again at a different angle with her cake.

Gwen Farmer

Gwen had her 90th birthday this month and still shows no signs of slowing down. She loves to read the newspaper and spend hours doing puzzles with Joyce and Elsie. During her birthday lunch she told of her journey over to Korea and the conditions she traveled under. She then shared a Korean birthday custom with Kathy. Here she and Marie are folding the memorial service pamphlets for Marilynn’s service.

Fern Duncan and Gilbert Reese

Fern and Gilbert stay about the same. Fern is fairly responsive these days and she seems to recognize and appreciate her company. Salena takes her mail and reads it to her, which usually brings a smile. Here she is with Rita Blackburn, and then both Gilbert and herself with Ronald, then today with Kathy and Marie.

Thank you for your continued interest in us here.

Kenny and Ken

May 30, 2024

May 2024

Filed under: Pecan Grove,Ponds,Senior Residence — knewman @ 6:43 pm

May has been very wet and windy. We received over twenty inches of rain in May! Our pond and lake were overflowing. We are in a high location, so there are no problems with any of our buildings. Areas north of us and south of us have received over 40 inches of rain, so we are fortunate!

Some creatures really thrive in the wetness. Like our new resident beaver for example, here are some close up shots of him moving around.

This rain is certainly good for one thing, gardening! Here are some pictures of the garden that Esther is tending, and the flowers Marie has planted. They have certainly taken off! Lastly, here is a picture of a Nectarine tree that has been very fruitful this season, the fruit is juicy and delicious!

Despite the rain we still found beautiful days for some outdoor fun. We had a quick picnic for the residents with good ol’ southern cooking. Here they all are on the porch chowing on chili and cornbread, and Kenny serving coffee.

We had many visitors this month. Kent and Linda Opel stopped by with Fe Gatan. Abigail’s car has been acting up so Kent came to trade one of his with it so that he could work on it. Here they are after lunch with Esther, Joyce, Marie and Gwen.

Sue Dawson visited with her parents, Jean and Connie Dawson, who live in WA. They know all the residents well and wanted to sing Spanish hymns with those who laboured in Latin America. Here they are singing the hymns, and just the three of them, and lastly posing with most of our residents in front of the fireplace.

Elsie had a nice visit over Memorial Day weekend. Her granddaughter Candace Sandon and her three children AJ, Miles, and Brynna came first followed the next day by Candace’s parents, Don and Becky Schroeder.

Ty and Amy Nordic brought 7 Husky/Wolf pups to visit. The residents enjoyed them!

Three sisters from the next field east of us in Louisiana came for a doctor’s appointment and to avoid flooding where they were. Lyle and Timothy visited for lunch one day. Dominique had a birthday in May.

Kathy and Dominique had birthdays in May.

Resident Journals

Elsie Schroeder

Elsie is still doing well, she focuses on others mostly. She likes to encourage Joyce and Alice to take walks with her, and spends quite a bit of time each evening doing the puzzles with Gwen. After that one particularly wet week this month Joyce and Elsie decided to survey the damage on a clear sunny day.

Marilynn Frye

Marilynn’s heart function continues to deteriorate, causing her to retain fluid, causing shortness of breath. Her oxygen levels have been increased to keep her comfortable. She was put on to palliative care last week and then today on hospice. They gave her a hospital bed which allows her to sleep better. Here she is holding another puppy with Amy Nordic.

Esther Duncan, Marie Mounce, Alice Oetken and Gwen Farmer

We’ll lump these 4 residents together because they all do well and are a big help to those doing less well. You can see all these resident’s smiling faces in the previous photos enjoying all our company, both furry and human.

Elton Cleveland and Ronald Elliott

Elton and Ronald are doing about the same, maybe a little more frail. They are also in previous photos…

Joyce Naber

Joyce is unsteady on her feet when walking outside. Thankfully, Elsie and Esther know this and take her too hand. Here she is after one of her summer walks with her two walker buddies Elsie and Alice relaxing on the porch.

Gilbert Reese and Fern Duncan

Gilbert and Fern (who are in the Park Manor nursing home in Conroe) remain much the same. Fern says less and less, but responds well to comments, especially humor. Here are some pictures of them this month.

Thanks for your interest in us here!

Ken and Kenny

April 30, 2024

April 2024

Filed under: Pecan Grove,Senior Residence — knewman @ 5:54 pm

April is another big birthday month, and we do our best to celebrate accordingly. First was Kenny’s birthday, here he is with his Dragon Ball themed birthday cake and gifts, then with the younger staff. Salena made a little boy’s wish come true with this one!

Next was Shawn’s birthday, he turned the big 5.oh! He celebrated with us and even cooked his own birthday lunch. Here he is with his Tres Leches cake that reminisces about his lost youth. He also was given a hard hat to protect him from “Senior Moments”. Here is his cake, him with his cake and trying on his new protective wear.

Lastly but not least we had two birthdays in one: Ken (67) and Alice (95). They celebrate together every year but this year actually got to split the cake. Here they are with a his and her themed cake and many happy celebrators.

April has also been a whirlwind of quick meaningful visits. Several visitors have said they have been attempting to come for quite a while and things just kept popping up. First of which was Kathryn Huisman and Lavonne Stipp who came to see Elsie. Here they are chatting in her room.

Lavonne, Elsie, Kathryn

Nathan and Allison Potter from Mountain Peak came for another brief visit. Here they are with Ken, Kathy and all the residents except Elton.

Marilynn’s brother, Doug and his wife, Barb were able to come for a few days. They have not seen each other in person in many years so it was special for them to catch up. Here they are in Marilynn’s room with the Shawn and the Overby’s.

Long time friend of the ours, Herbie Barnett, came for a visit with his brother, Paul. Herbie and Ronald were co-workers long ago so Herbie felt he wanted to visit his old friend. Here they are together in the entry way, and again with his brother, Paul.

All of us enjoyed a visit from three out-of-state sister workers: Stacey Seidlitz, Ruth Warner, and Mindy Yule. Stacey was on our staff for several years and knows most of our workers well. Mindy was a co-worker with Joyce over the years. Here they are with Elsie and some of our workers, and again with their companions.

Resident Journals

Joyce Naber

Joyce does well, especially with the helpful direction of Esther. She has quite the appetite, and loves apples. Here she is asking to “lick the bowl” after a good meal, and again playing the piano, and lastly with her friend and co-worker Melinda Yule.

Alice Oetken

Alice has been doing great for 95! She still enjoys time spent with her cat Kitty Kitty and walks with Joyce or Elsie often. She had several family and friends call her for her birthday and send their best wishes. Here she is admiring her flowers, and kitty kitty on a table in her room.

Ronald Elliot

Ronald has been going to speech therapy recently. He was given take home exercises to try and improve his speech and vocal cord strength. Unfortunately he was not remembering to practice them and the therapist was not able to see much improvement. However, she was really talkative and interested in hearing about his ministry which perked him up and made him more excited for the visits.

Marie Mounce

Marie still likes to bake and garden. This year she felt less sure of herself helping out with the large garden so she instead has been focusing on the smaller pots close to the porch. Her sister thoughtfully gave her some seeds to plant in them which she cherishes dearly.

Gwen Farmer

Gwen has been doing well, she enjoys the challenge of a good puzzle just like Elsie. She was recently visited by her good friends Leon and Diane Richter. Here they are enjoying a talk on the porch.

Marilynn Frye

Marilynn always appreciates visits from her old co-workers and close family members. Especially those who can reminisce about Minnesota with her. Here she is in her room with her brother Doug and his wife Barb, and again with her previous co-workers.

Esther Duncan

Esther still gets along well. She renewed her drivers license (photo ID) this month! Also, we have started back up our garden and Esther has taken it on with gusto. Here she is planting and again with Salena at the garden box.

Elton Cleveland

Elton has had more difficulty, mostly due to his hearing loss. The doctor removed wax from his ears today, so hopefully his hearing will improve. He still loves his sweets, playing the piano, and taking naps!

Elsie Schroeder

Elsie always enjoys her personal visitors. This month was special with several arrivals. Here she is with her daughter-in-law Becky and Becky’s sister Mary.

Mary MacAdams, Elsie and Becky Schroeder

Gilbert Reese and Fern Duncan

Gilbert has been doing well after turning 100. He still enjoys eating in his spot near the window and receiving guests. Gloria Reese, Gilbert’s Niece and her family came for a belated celebration with him. She brought her son and his family Brendon, Katie, Makenzie, Marie, Zoie and Zaida. Here they are with uncle Gilbert in front of his favorite window.

Fern continues to decline, though at times she is able to visit. During a visit with Salena she was able to talk by phone with Sherdenia Dunn and Nadene Laird.

We had a lot of wild flowers and a lot of rain in April. Here are some of us watching the eclipse.

Thanks for your interest in us here!

Ken and Kenny

December 31, 2023

December 2023

Filed under: Senior Residence — knewman @ 8:32 pm

December is the time for cheer, and what better way to do that than with many visitors? This month has been special, not only from the many visitors but from the warm seasons greetings and correspondence the residents are enjoying. Here’s a picture of our current residents with their names.

Esther Wahlin and Ruth Henderson came from a workshop that took place in Dallas. Kathy and her sister, Pat Johnson, joined them for a Minnesotan photo along with one of our resident Minnesotans, Joyce. Marilynn missed out on the Minnesotan picture.

Minnesotans Unite

Several other visitors are shown below:

For Christmas Eve we were visited by three friends from the Valley who know Marilynn, Alice, and Ronald well: Lolita Chavez, Nathaly Cabrera and Daniel Chavarra. Lolita was a companion to Marilynn and Alice long ago and they enjoyed reminiscing about their time together. Here they are in front of the piano with some of the residents.

Great Appreciation for the Spanish Speakers Here

On Christmas Day we had quite the crowd including Mona Reese, Fe Gatan Candace Sandon (Elsie’s granddaughter), her three kids AJ, Miles and Bryanna, and Diane Craighton, Salena’s mother. Here is a picture of the puzzle table and its participants, and a couple candid shots of the Christmas dinner table.

The Potters visited from Mountain Peak. Scott’s co-worker, Ethan, and Rachel’s co-worker, Colleen, were with them. Rachel is responsible for Shawn and Anita being here.

Resident Journals

Ronald Elliott

Ronald turned 96 this month! 96 years young, we would say. He had many letters congratulating him and a special birthday lunch with his friend, Wendall Wilson. Here he is being taught about the cellphone by Brynna Sandon.

Marilynn Frye

Marilynn has had a tough go of it again this month. She came back to us briefly at the beginning of the month, but caught a bug that had been going around. That, plus her already over-taxed immune system and exhaustion, caused her to have too much anxiety for good rest or appetite. It was decided it would be best if she returned to the hospital. So she was taken back to the Methodist hospital in the Woodlands, where she was diagnosed with bronchial spasms and atrial fibrillation. We’re glad to see her so much better now! Here she is in her kitchen with Mona, and posing with the Sandon boys, AJ and Miles. In the last, she is rewarding herself with a personal favorite, Special Beef Pho, after learning from her lung doctor that she could go off of oxygen!

Elsie Schroeder

Elsie has been adjusting well to Louis’ passing. She gets a lot of encouragement from friends and family. Eileen Weiss came for a long visit and stayed back in her room with her. They reminisced about the past when Eileen was being cared for by Elsie and Louis, and walked in the sunshine at times with other residents. Here they are on one of those walks. And here she is playing Scrabble with her granddaughter, Candace Sandon, and great-grandson, Miles.

Gwen Farmer

Gwen and Elsie have bonded over puzzles and walks. Here they are out in the sun after visiting a memorial park.

Alice Oetken

Alice has been doing well, she especially enjoyed the Spanish visitors she knew from long ago. Her cat “Kitty Kitty” is becoming a local celebrity and is always camera-friendly. Here is a picture of Alice with her old companion Lolita, and another of Kitty on the lawn.

Elton Cleveland

Elton always enjoys when his daughter, Karen, comes for a visit. He also loves to have an audience who appreciates his piano playing; it always makes him smile. When the visitors from the valley came, they took interest in his playing and even tried learning a duet with him! Here he is walking with Karen and Anita back to the car after Sunday morning meeting.

Anita, Karen and Elton

Joyce Naber

Joyce has been in good spirits. Ty Nordic recently put three horses in the pasture behind the dam. Joyce really loves horses, and watches them from across the pond with great amusement. Here she is treating herself to some after-lunch coffee.

Cup of Joe to keep on the go

Esther Duncan

Esther has been great. She loves a good cup of tea in the morning with breakfast. Several of the visitors had not seen her room and wanted to see her new Irish calendars, which she was delighted to share with them. Here she is demonstrating how she makes her morning tea.

Marie Mounce

Marie has been doing well. She enjoyed the visits from the sister workers and even went shopping with Mona. She also went to see Gilbert and Fern with Esther and Mona, seen here posing with Fern.

Fern Duncan and Gilbert Reese

Fern and Gilbert are at the Park Manor nursing home in Conroe TX.

Fern has not been doing so well. She has a lot of pain in her legs and knees and is often medicated to help deal with it. This means that for most visits she is too tired to keep her eyes open. Gilbert is doing well for almost 100! He still enjoys visitors and is up and around most days. Here are Fern with Marie and Esther, and Gilbert with Mona, Marie and Esther.

We just closed 2023 with supper and fireworks at the residence.

Happy New Year to all! We sure appreciate your continued interest in the residents here. They enjoy all the visits and correspondence. Best wishes for 2024!

Kenny and Ken

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