Pecan Grove ( Pecan Grove and Senior Residence

August 24, 2008

Lots of Progress

Filed under: Pecan Farming,Pecan Grove,Rosamond Residence,Senior Residence — knewman @ 6:25 pm

We returned from Paris yesterday and went out to see the progress at the pecan grove this afternoon.  Most of the plywood is on the roof of the Sr. residence, and all the studs are up.


Mike and Ronda’s house is coming along well.  It’s “dried in” now, and is scheduled to be done in October.

Many of the pecan trees are loaded with pecans.  The photo below shows a cluster of 7 pecans.  Some of the trees are breaking due to the heavy load of fruit.  One tree, show below, has split so bad it will need to be cut off and grafted again, so only the strong root will be saved. 

Some of the trees have grown slowly and have no fruit.  Mike pulled some of these up and found that their tap root was growing in circles (see below).  Young trees are started in buckets and the tap root is forced to grow in a circle.  When the tree is removed from the bucket and planted, this root must be cut and the little that remains will usually straighten and go straight down.  Evidently when these trees were planted this wasn’t done, so they have no depth of root, and cumber the ground.  Unfortunately, we have quite a few trees that will have to be cut down… no amount of digging around them and fertilizing them would help.



August 4, 2008

Upward and onward

Filed under: Senior Residence — knewman @ 10:18 pm


Carpenters have been busy putting the wall puzzle togther.  It goes fast and neat when they’re all built offsite.

Walls are plumbed and aligned by Saturday.  Roof trusses are delivered and await a crane to help set them in place.



The well is complete with pump and tank set and just needs electrical power to pump water on demand.  We tried a generator but it takes a lot of juice. 


The drive to Jack and Leona Newman’s site got a culvert in the creek so heavy trucks can cross.  The drill truck showed up to take a sample of the soil where the house pad will be.


The local electric company finally got us in their schedule and looks like they’re serious about getting us some power.  Equipment and materials are stocked for underground service installation. 

The Rosamond residence is waiting on windows which arrived Thursday and these porch timbers which are getting mortised and tenoned for assembly. tgh

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