Pecan Grove ( Pecan Grove and Senior Residence

June 30, 2023

June 2023

Filed under: Pecan Farming — knewman @ 5:08 pm

June is turning out to be the hottest month yet. We are really glad for the air conditioning around these parts. Thankfully when people come to visit they like to sit around inside and talk. We have had no shortage of visitors again this month.

Karen’s long time friends, Alicia Weaver and Barbara Ballentine, came for a few days visit. Barbara and Karen have known each other since they were girls. Barbara went in the work 2 years after Karen. Elton was extra glad to have them here together. Here they are in front of the piano.

Barbara thought it would be nice to take Alice to visit with Fern. Here they are around Fern for a visit, and again just Alice and Fern. Karen took this picture of Barbara and Bella, and labeled it “Bliss”. Unfortunately, on one of our 100 degree days, Bella did what she loved to do… swam and ran through the pecan orchard, and died, we think of over heating. So… unfortunately, this is the last picture of our dear Bella.

While our visitors were here we had another temporary resident arrive at Pecan Grove. A very small Kitten that we named Squeaks, who was quite the welcome distraction around here. Here are some photos of the happy residents wanting to meet him.

Shortly after Karen and Alicia left we had several more visitors. Franz and Sally Holzmann from New Braunfels came to visit Louis and Elsie who had been their next door neighbors. Here they are sitting together on the couch.

Marie had been invited to spend some time away with Tony and Donna Hottel who came for lunch to pick her up. They saw Squeaks and offered to take him off our hands which was much to Marie’s delight because she got to hold him the whole car ride. Here they are on the couch before lunch.

Hannah Bassham’s sister, Michelle, and her three girls Sadie, Willow, and Hazel came for a visit. Here they are in front of the fireplace with Marie, Marilynn, Joyce and Esther.

The Mille’s daughter, Elisa, and her family came for a nice visit. Elisa and Ian Herd with their three sons: Isaac, James and Eli and their cousin, Bryce. Here they all are in front of the fireplace Marilynn, Marie and Esther.

Marilynn’s good friend, Cynthia Abate, came for a visit. She went with Elton to see Gilbert and Fern also. Here they are with Gilbert, and again with Esther and Marilynn in front of the fire place.

Our Enhabit home health nurse was very kind to us this month and decided to put on a little dehydration seminar. Here are all the residents drinking it in.

We had two birthdays this month Joyce and Dominique (his birthday was in May but we celebrated it in June). Abigail has been splitting the cake-making duties with Salena and they are both masters of their craft. Here are the animated celebraters and their cakes. Lastly a third birthday, for Terry Hoffman, celebrated at Patty Maki’s after Wednesday evening meeting.

June has been hot but beautiful. Here are some photos of the verdant property and assorted creatures. Kenny finds them while mowing and puts them back in the woods.

Thank you for your consideration of us here at PG.


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