Pecan Grove ( Pecan Grove and Senior Residence

April 30, 2022

April 2022

Filed under: Pecan Farming,Pecan Grove,Senior Residence — knewman @ 6:51 am

April is always a beautiful month here  in Texas. This year has been no exception! Here are some photos of the early morning sunrise here at PG.

The residents have been adding to the beauty also by growing a garden! Kenny and Ken made an elevated garden for those who are interested, and the reception has been great! Here is the transition of the garden to how it is now.


Happy gardeners! This has really been a group effort, with Elsie, Esther, Marie, Marilynn, and Della all taking part to give these herbs a happy home.


All of the residents are doing well this month, you will notice that Marilynn is pictured standing without her walker. We are glad she has made a full recovery! Gilbert is doing well also, he has been getting out to meetings regularly with the help of Gary and Susan Peter. Here he is posing with Clarence Mounce, Gary, and Ken at the Opel’s on Sunday!

Jack Newman has been having his good days and bad days. Here are a few pictures with him and the grandkids, as well as when Della and Salena went for a visit. The far right picture is of him with his hospice nurse recovering from one of his seizures.

April has many birthdays, and several of them are staff members! Kenny turned 30 on the 7th, while Shawn turned 48 on the 22nd. Here they are enjoying their cakes!


Alice turned 93 on the 24th! We had several visitors to commemorate the occasion, not to mention her family came into town a few days later and we celebrated all over again! Here she is on her birthday with a long table of well wishers!

Here she is again while her family came to visit. Second, is a group photo with all of our visitors: Lyle and Barbara Davies, she is Alice’s niece (on left), and Chris and Joellen Hertz (right).

We had several surprise visits as well. On the left is Della with her nephew and his wife Charles and Angela Strong; the middle is Salena’s family that came to visit after a cruise: Les, Janice, Doris, and Diane. We had a few workers stop in and say hello: Stacey Seidlitz, Thelma Galbraith, Richard Gasser, and Joanna Bishop.


Below is a photo of two close friends of Marilynn’s who came for a visit and the bible study on Wednesday: Cindy Muller and Iris Schraw.

Lastly, Kenny and Salena have been dog sitting while Ken and Kathy are away; and Bella has not always been a good dog! She ran off on the second night of them being away, and was not returned until the next day; after many hours of searching and worry! We are glad to have her back. Here she is not knowing how much of a fright she caused!

Thank you all for your interest and love for Pecan Grove, we appreciate it so much.






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