Pecan Grove ( Pecan Grove and Senior Residence

August 31, 2015

August 2015

Filed under: Senior Residence — knewman @ 5:57 pm

Betty passed away peacefully on August 4th, at about 4 AM.  Dominique and Mireille Mille were sitting with her at the time.  Her funeral was Sunday the 9th in San Antonio.  Many visited Betty before she died… here are pictures of Josh, Geile, and Ruby Gomez from Dallas and Duane and Rita Shaffer with Salena, Jennifer, Conchita and Joyce.  Also a picture of Betty’s family the day before her funeral.

Gomez family20150803_130358Bettys family

Kenny and Salena were married Friday evening the 7th in the Mille’s woods behind PG.  Here are pictures of them being married by Dominique, with Jennifer and Sara, with the Newmans, with the Craightons, with the Thorburns and with Elton!  Salena is working full-time in the residence and Kenny works at PG in the Athena business…  the honeymoon is over!

Salena & Kenny NewmanSalena & Kenny NewmanSalena & Kenny NewmanSalena & Kenny NewmanSalena & Kenny NewmanSalena and Kenny with Elton

Dad’s 82nd birthday was in August, along with Karin’s 32nd (no picture).  Sandra Wilson (Doris’s sister) came to visit Doris for a few days, and Sandra’s son Chris and family came for a visit with Sandra and Doris.

Dad 82Sandra Doris and Family

Last Sunday and yesterday we’ve been able to bring Jeannette from the Park Manor nursing home for the meeting at Hoffman’s and then to listen to the gospel meeting (by phone to PG).  She’s doing much better than when we brought her to PG in July for her birthday, but her short term memory is very poor.  It’s clear that she won’t be able to return to PG full-time, so plans are being made to move her to a nursing home in Indiana, hopefully in September.  Here she is playing volleyball at Park Manor, and then at PG last Sunday.

Jeannette playing volley ballJeannette at PG

The Fitzpatrick family from Ohio visited Esther.  Our 2 oldest residents, Esther (who will be 100 on Sept 7th) and Elton (97.7) enjoy the back porch.

Esther with FitzpatricksEsther and Elton




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