Pecan Grove ( Pecan Grove and Senior Residence

September 30, 2015

September 2015

Filed under: Pecan Farming,Senior Residence — knewman @ 1:27 pm

Esther’s 100th birthday was very nice.  A group of buckeyes (Ohioans) came… family and friends.  She was so excited.  The excitement improved her thinking and memory, so she was able to visit… recall wonderful memories, and thoroughly enjoy the visitors.  She’s received nearly 200 cards now, including one from the Obamas, which really surprised her!  “How do they know about me?”   Pictures show Esther with her cake, the buckeyes, the birthday group, with her cards, the card from Obamas, and Esther with one of her close friends, Don Reynolds.  Note that we brought another close friend, Jeannette Ford, from the nursing home for the day.

Esther with cakeBuckeyes at Esthers birthdayEsthers birthday groupEsther with cardsEsthers 100th birthday card from ObamasDon and Esther

June Kyger came down from Indiana, packed up Jeannette’s stuff, and flew with her back to Indiana.  She’s now in the Kingston Care Center, Fort Wayne, IN, and is getting adjusted to her new situation.  Some of her goodbyes here were very difficult, especially to Esther.  Before Jeannette left her sister Kathy and her husband Warren Pincrest from Boston visited.  Pictures below are of Jeannette and June, and of Jeannette and Esther, and Jeannette with Kathy and Warren.

Jeannette and JuneJeannette and EstherJeannette with Kathy

Jennifer was in Mexico for conventions so Nadine was with Sara for several weeks.  Jean turned 92 in September.

Sara and NadineJeans 92nd

We’re looking forward to our conventions in October.  Raymond is planning on Georgetown Spanish.  Elton and Jean hope to get to GT English.  The others hope to listen to GT English from PG.  We’re also looking forward to the many visitors we have at convention time.

The pecan crop is poor this year for several reasons, but mainly because of too much rain followed by too little rain.  But we do hope to have some pecans being harvested toward the end of October.  In the mean time we’re fighting the squirrels and crows!



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