Pecan Grove ( Pecan Grove and Senior Residence

December 31, 2020

December 2020

Filed under: Pecan Grove,Senior Residence — knewman @ 4:30 pm

Many would feel that the best thing about 2020 is that it’s over!  We really don’t feel that way… it’s been a wonderful year in some ways, but difficult in others.  So far we’re virus free, and are hoping for the vaccine.  Marilynn had some complications after the minor surgery last month which delayed her return till December 17th.  We’re glad she’s back and doing well.  All the other residents are doing well.  Gilbert’s cyst on his back is much better. Lois’s eye problem is somewhat improved after a shot in the eye.  She’s to have 5 more shots.  We have more walkers than we’ve had before.  Esther, Marilynn, Della and Gilbert are all faithful to walk every day the weather permits.  Alice walks with her walker, sometimes outdoors and sometimes indoors.

Maria Hawkins brought Marilynn back (first picture).  Both Ronald and Lois turned 93 in December.  Ronald’s cake says “A reader lives 1,000 lives before he dies.”

Dad continues to go down.  He has TIAs often, sometimes several a day.  Between them he recovers and does better for a while.  We are limited in our visits, but glad we are able to see him sometimes.  Here’s a picture of Karin, Dylan and Katelyn with him, then Kenny and Salena.  Karla and her children were there on a cold day and dad was unable to stay on the porch.

My sister Ronda and husband Mike Rosamond came to visit Dad.  Here they are at a bible study, around a fire pit with Wayne and Dawn Overby.

We had a dozen Maryland crabs while they were here.  If you’ve never had them you don’t know what you’re missing!  Mike returned to Arkansas and later Destiny came and picked up Ronda to take her home.  Both Ronda and Destiny worked at PG some years ago.

Steve Peirson came to visit Fern again.  Kathy’s sister, Pat Johnson, visited us from her Iowa field.  For Christmas dinner Esther cooked lamb!  It was wonderful.  We decided to forgo distancing for the dinner like we did for Thanksgiving.

A few other pictures…

Happy New Year!  Thanks for your care for us here.


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