Pecan Grove ( Pecan Grove and Senior Residence

July 31, 2021

July 2021

Filed under: Pecan Grove,Senior Residence — knewman @ 3:33 pm

Marybelle Armstrong continued to decline and passed away peacefully the morning of July 5th.  3 days before, on July 2, her nephew John Armstrong came to visit.  She was having a fairly good day, and they were able to visit about old family stories.  Here’s a picture of her with John, and a page from her funeral pamphlet in Delta Colorado.  There was another memorial service for her here at PG on July 28th.

There are videos of her funeral in Delta and burial at Cedaredge at:  Link to funeral home

Lois Culver has had problems with dizziness and weakness.  She has had 4 hospital stays, two in a general hospital where they did all kinds of tests (and found nothing) and 2 in a rehabilitation hospital where she received PT and OT.  Kathy happened to see a piece of paper on her tray in the rehab hospital that mentioned dehydration.  I asked Daron Griffin (a visiting chiropractor shown later) if dehydration could cause dizziness and weakness.  He assured me it could… so we had her start drinking a lot more fluid and giving her cell salt pills.  So far it seems to be working!  She’s significantly better.  It’s amazing that 4 hospital visits couldn’t find anything they could tell us about!  Here she is in the rehab hospital walking with assistants :).  The second picture is of Lois today.

Elton’s granddaughter Leah and Daron Griffin, and their daughter Isle visited from GA.  Both Leah and Daron are chiros.  Jeff and Patricia Oliver from Richmond TX also visited, shown here with Ronald Elliott.  Another medical story… Ronald had a pain in his lower back for years.  Five years ago he went to the hospital and had MRIs, x-rays, etc. done.  They found nothing, so they gave him pain medication.  In recent months it got worse, to where he couldn’t lay down in a bed because of the pain.  We took him in again and they did a series of tests… nothing.  I asked Daron to see if he could help.  After two treatments the pain was almost.  Daron encouraged Ronald to do some exercises, which he does, and so far so good.

Randy Satterfield brought his mother Flo here to stay for a couple of months.  So we have our 34th resident in 12 years!  Currently we have 9 residents.  The upper right corner link to resident information tells about all 34.  Also Gloria Reese came to spend some time with uncle Gilbert in the nursing home, and to visit her fellow Minnesotan, Kathy.  Gilbert has continued going down since being in the nursing home.

On the 4th of July Kenny and Salena put on a fireworks show.  Brendan Furrow’s parents and niece, Ron, and Anna Furrow and Aubrey Short visited from Ohio and were here for the fireworks.  Neville Lee from Cedar Park came also.  Esther Duncan and others enjoyed Roman candles.

Merle Watson (NY) and Cinda Taylor (CO) visited Fern.  Ron Wolf and Robert Findley from Fort Worth visited Marilynn.  Jo Ellen and Chris Hertz visited from La Verna.  Here they’re shown with Alice, Esther and Ronald.

Salena arranged a “garage sale” for the residents.



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