Pecan Grove ( Pecan Grove and Senior Residence

October 31, 2013

October 2013

Filed under: Pecan Farming,Pecan Grove,Senior Residence — knewman @ 8:30 pm

All are about their usual at PG this Halloween evening.  We’ve enjoyed a wonderful October in many ways.

  • Jeannette Ford came and stayed at PG for 3 weeks.  She adopted to name “Sarge”, and lived up to the name!
  • 6 of the 10 residents were able for Georgetown convention.
  • Martha Houston came and helped with the residents at GT, then returned with Jeannette to Ohio.
  • Derald and Nita Steinbrecker came to help out at PG while many of us were away at GT.
  • Mary Jane’s niece, Dianne Barbour, came and stayed with her while most of us went to GT.
  • Many other visitors, most heading to or from conventions

Birthdays in October included Naomi (85) and Teresa (93).

P1030956 Teresa

Karen Cleveland, a good friend of Jeannette’s and Esther’s, came to visit her uncle Rodger.

Esther, Karen, Jeannette Rodger and Karen

When Karen and Jeannette were together years ago… they had an agreement.  If they could get along for a month without a squabble they celebrated with chocolate sundaes.  So… they celebrated again at PG.  Jeannette demonstrated her zipper… but it had a problem… it wasn’t all the way closed!

Jeannette and Karen Sarge and Zipper

Mary Jane with Dianne and Patsy and Al Hagen.

Mary Jane and Dianne Patsy and Al

Domenic and David passed through on their way to Effie.  George and the Batsons visited after GT.

Domenic and David George, Sharon, Birgit, Jeff

Barry visited after GT, shown here with Jeannette and the residents.  Frances McPherson wasn’t present.  Also our new sisters, Jennifer and Hannah, visited Jeannette.

Residents with Barry and Jeanette Jennifer, Jeannette and Hannah

Derald and Nita are shown by the camper they set up at PG.  Friends and family visited the Valdez’s after GT Spanish.  The Milles spent several days at PG and will be with us more in November.  Here they’re shown with the Makis.

Nita and Derald Valdez and Pedrazo FamiliesMakis and Milles

A lot happened on the farm in October.  The saddest thing was the pecan harvest.  We did harvest some Pawnee pecans at the end of September.  The rest of the crop (4 types of pecans) came ready for harvest just as we were leaving for GT.  When we returned they were gone!  The crows, blue jays and squirrels had a feast!  We had crow cannons (noise makers) going off and squirrel traps set, but that wasn’t sufficient.  So we learned a hard lesson… when the harvest is ready it must be given the highest priority!  Next year we may need to attend a different convention.  The pictures show the empty pecan husks we came back to, a squirrel trap on a tree, Samuel holding 2 of the culprits, and the lake today after 2 days of much needed hard rain.  Note that the pier is under water.

pecan huskSquirrel trapSamuel, Squirrel, Crowpier under water

We caught a deer in our hog trap… the hogs are too smart!  We started cutting down the old oak along the drive which was dying from the drought.  We’re leaving a large section of trunk… hoping to get it carved.

deer in hog trap Old Oak



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