Pecan Grove ( Pecan Grove and Senior Residence

August 31, 2016

August 2016

Filed under: Senior Residence — knewman @ 4:26 pm

August turned from dry to wet… we’re glad for the rain… the pecans are looking good.  All here are doing reasonably well.  John caught enough fish for another fish fry.  Elton went to visit his daughter Cheryl and Jim Hutchinson in Olympia Washington, and was at the Olympia 2 convention!  Almost 99 year old jet setter!  Here’s Elton with Cheryl, then Jim and Cheryl with an old friend, Jean Larson.

Cheryl and EltonJim, Jean, Cheryl

The Lopez family visited from Dallas.  Dad turned 83, here with John, Salena and Kenny.  Some of the friends in France asked Kathy and myself why we weren’t fatter!  Everytime they look at the blog they see birthday cakes.

Lopez family from DallasJack's 83rd

Elton visits the 3 in the nursing home each week… Naomi, Roger and Teresa.  Naomi continues to do a little better… is dressed more often.  Teresa is in bed in this picture but is up and dressed sometimes.

Naomi, Elton and RogerNaomi, Roger and Teresa

Ty and Amy Nordic are still in the process of moving here… currently staying in the cabin.  Here Ty is entertaining us, then Ty and Amy with Larry and Jan Pierce who were visiting from Georgetown.

Ty and Amy NordicAmy, Ty, Larry, Jan

Clarence and Don visit from time to time… less often than before since there is now a meeting at Clarence’s.  Bud and Mary Aldrich from the Fort Worth area visited Ruth.

Clarence and DonBud and Mary Aldrich with Ruth

We had several other visitors, but unfortunately no pictures.  Two pictures from France, both from McDonalds.  You enter your order, pay for it, and get a receipt at the computer screen… then go to the counter to collect your order.  Dogs are welcome.

McDonaldsDog at McDonalds






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