Pecan Grove ( Pecan Grove and Senior Residence

June 30, 2018

June 2018

Filed under: Pecan Grove,Senior Residence — knewman @ 12:39 pm

Jean Hagemeier wasn’t doing well, and went down to her nephew’s home, Kent and Linda Opel’s, in May.  She improved somewhat but decided to stay there, reducing our resident count to 8 (see the list in the upper right corner).   The Opels did bring her back to visit in June… we were glad to see her.  Here’s Linda, Kent, their granddaughter Abigail Hoffman (who works at PG part-time) and Jean.

John came home from the rehab hospital (after a broken femur and hip replacement) June 3rd.  Here he’s with Mimi, Lois and Dominique.  John has continued to improve… he’s still using a walker but getting around well and is in good spirits.

Gilbert, who came home from the same rehab hospital in late May after a heart valve replacement, continues to improve.  He’s back to walking about 30 min per day, and his memory is improving.  He had visitors from Louisiana in June including Linda Fletcher, Jody and Verbie VanHouten, Charles and Bethel Arnold, Charlie Kerr and Richard Gasser.

There was a baptism at PG June 16th.  About 110 came for a meeting, the baptism and then a potluck.  It was a wonderful experience.

Dominique and Mimi Mille, Kathy and myself went up to Redbud Canyon for their 20th anniversary celebration June 23rd.  Over 100 were there.  Here Glenn Spunaugle is shown making a presentation about the 20 years Redbud has been open.  Some Spunaugle  grandchildren sang hymns for us.  It was wonderful to get to know more of the friends, workers and residents there.  It was a visit to Redbud Canyon in 2007 that gave us the idea, and with Glenns help and encouragement we started PG.  Next February PG will have been open 10 years… it’s hard to believe!

Most of the residents go to the Terry and Kim Hoffman home at PG for meeting on Sunday mornings.  They had a potluck after meeting one Sunday. Also Norris and Nancy Goff visited Clinton in the nursing home in Conroe, and came to visit us at PG.  Another staff member, Jennifer Maddoux, had a birthday in June.

Our grandkids, Katelyn and Dylan Kelleher spent a few days with us and were in the morning bible studies.  Dylan flipped off a swing a week before and broke his leg.  Katelyn tried to make Vince into a zebra with chalk, which Vince was fine with until he was told he had to eat grass.


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