Pecan Grove ( Pecan Grove and Senior Residence

May 30, 2024

May 2024

Filed under: Pecan Grove,Ponds,Senior Residence — knewman @ 6:43 pm

May has been very wet and windy. We received over twenty inches of rain in May! Our pond and lake were overflowing. We are in a high location, so there are no problems with any of our buildings. Areas north of us and south of us have received over 40 inches of rain, so we are fortunate!

Some creatures really thrive in the wetness. Like our new resident beaver for example, here are some close up shots of him moving around.

This rain is certainly good for one thing, gardening! Here are some pictures of the garden that Esther is tending, and the flowers Marie has planted. They have certainly taken off! Lastly, here is a picture of a Nectarine tree that has been very fruitful this season, the fruit is juicy and delicious!

Despite the rain we still found beautiful days for some outdoor fun. We had a quick picnic for the residents with good ol’ southern cooking. Here they all are on the porch chowing on chili and cornbread, and Kenny serving coffee.

We had many visitors this month. Kent and Linda Opel stopped by with Fe Gatan. Abigail’s car has been acting up so Kent came to trade one of his with it so that he could work on it. Here they are after lunch with Esther, Joyce, Marie and Gwen.

Sue Dawson visited with her parents, Jean and Connie Dawson, who live in WA. They know all the residents well and wanted to sing Spanish hymns with those who laboured in Latin America. Here they are singing the hymns, and just the three of them, and lastly posing with most of our residents in front of the fireplace.

Elsie had a nice visit over Memorial Day weekend. Her granddaughter Candace Sandon and her three children AJ, Miles, and Brynna came first followed the next day by Candace’s parents, Don and Becky Schroeder.

Ty and Amy Nordic brought 7 Husky/Wolf pups to visit. The residents enjoyed them!

Three sisters from the next field east of us in Louisiana came for a doctor’s appointment and to avoid flooding where they were. Lyle and Timothy visited for lunch one day. Dominique had a birthday in May.

Kathy and Dominique had birthdays in May.

Resident Journals

Elsie Schroeder

Elsie is still doing well, she focuses on others mostly. She likes to encourage Joyce and Alice to take walks with her, and spends quite a bit of time each evening doing the puzzles with Gwen. After that one particularly wet week this month Joyce and Elsie decided to survey the damage on a clear sunny day.

Marilynn Frye

Marilynn’s heart function continues to deteriorate, causing her to retain fluid, causing shortness of breath. Her oxygen levels have been increased to keep her comfortable. She was put on to palliative care last week and then today on hospice. They gave her a hospital bed which allows her to sleep better. Here she is holding another puppy with Amy Nordic.

Esther Duncan, Marie Mounce, Alice Oetken and Gwen Farmer

We’ll lump these 4 residents together because they all do well and are a big help to those doing less well. You can see all these resident’s smiling faces in the previous photos enjoying all our company, both furry and human.

Elton Cleveland and Ronald Elliott

Elton and Ronald are doing about the same, maybe a little more frail. They are also in previous photos…

Joyce Naber

Joyce is unsteady on her feet when walking outside. Thankfully, Elsie and Esther know this and take her too hand. Here she is after one of her summer walks with her two walker buddies Elsie and Alice relaxing on the porch.

Gilbert Reese and Fern Duncan

Gilbert and Fern (who are in the Park Manor nursing home in Conroe) remain much the same. Fern says less and less, but responds well to comments, especially humor. Here are some pictures of them this month.

Thanks for your interest in us here!

Ken and Kenny

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