Pecan Grove ( Pecan Grove and Senior Residence

July 31, 2024

July 2024

Filed under: Newman Residence,Pecan Grove — knewman @ 4:27 pm

The year is officially half over, and time seems to be speeding up! July was another very wet month. We lost a lot of trees in hurricane Beryl, and have had our hands full with the outdoor work. We have had several great visits, some visitors came a long way to be with us.

Our first visitors were our good friends Don and Becky Schroeder. They popped in to see Elsie for a day. Don informed her that he was taking her to Illinois to see her family. Here they are at the table, finishing yet another puzzle.

They make it look easy

A brother worker, Chau, came to visit us from Vietnam. He knows Dominique and Mimi well from their time spent there. The Newman’s also fondly remember visiting him there on several occasions. He took the time to tell us a little of his testimony and how the work first got started in Vietnam. Here he is at lunch with the Overby’s and again with the Newman’s.

Chau also gave us a rare opportunity to capture almost everyone who lives and works here. This is a photo of us that Chau took at the table. The second photo is our July Union meeting group with Chau.

Our good friends and Fern’s frequent visitors Lynden and Nadene Laird visited from North Carolina. This time they took a quick tour of the property to see where Ken and Kathy will be moving to. (Ken and Kathy are down sizing to the log cabin and their daughter Karla and Brendan Furrow and 4 children are moving to their house). Here Lairds are with Elton and Esther, and again with the workers in front of the piano.

A family from Tennessee came to see Esther: Arnold and Jane Land and their three daughters: Christy White, Melissa Howe and Mary Aaron. They came for lunch and the Wednesday afternoon study. Here they are with Esther in front of the fireplace.

Melissa, Mary, Arnold, Esther, Jane and Christy

A Chinese man, Joe Zhou from our meeting visited with his wife LiPing and mother-in-law who is visiting from China. Here they are with Wayne and Dawn Overby and Kathy. The mother-in-law is 89 and thinks she’s old. She couldn’t believe Elton is approaching 107! He played the piano for them.

Marie celebrated her 91st birthday this month. She requested a simple white cake with strawberries. Here is Marie excited to taste the cake and Salena serving it.

Russ and Judy Rosehill thought of the residents while on vacation in Hawaii. They sent a nice care package with cookies and coffee, as well as lei’s and postcards. Here is one of the lei’s adorning our mixer, and Mister Prickles.

Each year we invite everyone on the property to come celebrate July 4th with us. We like to put on a fireworks show with some finger food and s’mores. Here are some of the kids with their roman candles, fireworks, and those watching from the back porch. Happy Independence Day!

Andray Howell has been working part-time here at Pecan Grove, mostly on the farm though sometimes in the residence. Here he is (in town) with his aunt, Emily Berry, and her daughter Elliott.

Andray, Emily and Elliott

Because of all the rain we have not been mowing as often as we would like. This worked out in our favor because a neighbor asked if they could hay the orchard instead. These are the result of all their hard work, 127 round bails. We’ve decided not to mow as much and let them continue to harvest hay.

Resident Journals

Alice Oetken

Alice had a pretty severe fall this month. She was reaching for her phone and trying to use a folding chair to steady herself when she fell and broke her hip. They operated on her right hip and inserted a metal rod. Now she is receiving physical therapy at Park Manor (the same nursing home Gilbert Reese and Fern Duncan are in) and slowly making progress, though it currently seems doubtful that she’ll improve enough to be able to return to Pecan Grove. She enjoys her visits and misses her cat, so Abigail brought her a photo of Kitty Kitty. Here she is with her visitors in the hospital, and again at Park Manor.

Elsie Schroeder

Elsie really enjoyed her time in Illinois this month, and we are so pleased that Don came to take her. Her daughter Carol came for a week long visit afterwards with her daughter Amelia. Elsie always loves seeing her family and for them to come for an entire week really cheered her up. Here she is in Illinois with her family: Jim Stipp, Roberta Stipp, Judy Garner, and David Stipp. Also, at the puzzle table with Nadene and again with her visitors.

Jim and David Stipp
Judy Garner, Elsie, Roberta Stipp

Ronald Elliott

Ronald has gotten new glasses this month, which we think should improve his sight and balance. He is not one to say much about his condition but he has commented that he likes them. Here he is trying them out on the newspaper.

Marie Mounce

Marie does well in the kitchen, and recently made some delicious gumbo for the residents. Her eye sight is weakening so we have moved a book magnifier into her room. It takes her a while to read a full chapter but she is very patient with it and continues to persist. Here she is with the Lairds.

Gwen Farmer

Gwen is doing well. She still works hard at the puzzles with Elsie and Joyce. She has some trouble with her eye sight but doesn’t give up on the tiny puzzle pieces. Here she is with Nadene Laird.

Elton Cleveland

Elton has had a rough month. He fell several times and during his worst fall actually tore his Achilles tendon. The doctor ordered him a therapeutic boot to wear on his right foot. Amazingly, he healed quickly and was able to walk the entire time. Here he is soaking his sore feet in his kitchen, and with the manager of his favorite restaurant Golden Coral.

Esther Duncan

Esther still has pep in her step. She continues to help in the kitchen everyday and keeps her watchful eye on Joyce. She makes sure Joyce uses her walker when going outside and always accompanies her when she does. Here she is checking on the progress of the newest puzzle.

Joyce Naber

Joyce does well when she is with Esther or Gwen. They look after her on walks and around the dinner table. She also likes to sit with Elsie outside to warm up. Here she is with her daily apple, and a mushroom she found while walking Kitty Kitty.

Fern Duncan and Gilbert Reese

Fern is having trouble staying awake during our visits. She appreciated seeing Lynden and Nadene and was able to respond to a few questions. Gilbert is doing well, he continues to enjoy his spot by the window. Some of the visitors took him over to see Alice when she arrived there. Here they are with Alice, again Fern with the Lairds, and finally Gilbert with Shawn.

Thank you for your interest and care for us here.

Kenny & Ken

May 30, 2024

May 2024

Filed under: Pecan Grove,Ponds,Senior Residence — knewman @ 6:43 pm

May has been very wet and windy. We received over twenty inches of rain in May! Our pond and lake were overflowing. We are in a high location, so there are no problems with any of our buildings. Areas north of us and south of us have received over 40 inches of rain, so we are fortunate!

Some creatures really thrive in the wetness. Like our new resident beaver for example, here are some close up shots of him moving around.

This rain is certainly good for one thing, gardening! Here are some pictures of the garden that Esther is tending, and the flowers Marie has planted. They have certainly taken off! Lastly, here is a picture of a Nectarine tree that has been very fruitful this season, the fruit is juicy and delicious!

Despite the rain we still found beautiful days for some outdoor fun. We had a quick picnic for the residents with good ol’ southern cooking. Here they all are on the porch chowing on chili and cornbread, and Kenny serving coffee.

We had many visitors this month. Kent and Linda Opel stopped by with Fe Gatan. Abigail’s car has been acting up so Kent came to trade one of his with it so that he could work on it. Here they are after lunch with Esther, Joyce, Marie and Gwen.

Sue Dawson visited with her parents, Jean and Connie Dawson, who live in WA. They know all the residents well and wanted to sing Spanish hymns with those who laboured in Latin America. Here they are singing the hymns, and just the three of them, and lastly posing with most of our residents in front of the fireplace.

Elsie had a nice visit over Memorial Day weekend. Her granddaughter Candace Sandon and her three children AJ, Miles, and Brynna came first followed the next day by Candace’s parents, Don and Becky Schroeder.

Ty and Amy Nordic brought 7 Husky/Wolf pups to visit. The residents enjoyed them!

Three sisters from the next field east of us in Louisiana came for a doctor’s appointment and to avoid flooding where they were. Lyle and Timothy visited for lunch one day. Dominique had a birthday in May.

Kathy and Dominique had birthdays in May.

Resident Journals

Elsie Schroeder

Elsie is still doing well, she focuses on others mostly. She likes to encourage Joyce and Alice to take walks with her, and spends quite a bit of time each evening doing the puzzles with Gwen. After that one particularly wet week this month Joyce and Elsie decided to survey the damage on a clear sunny day.

Marilynn Frye

Marilynn’s heart function continues to deteriorate, causing her to retain fluid, causing shortness of breath. Her oxygen levels have been increased to keep her comfortable. She was put on to palliative care last week and then today on hospice. They gave her a hospital bed which allows her to sleep better. Here she is holding another puppy with Amy Nordic.

Esther Duncan, Marie Mounce, Alice Oetken and Gwen Farmer

We’ll lump these 4 residents together because they all do well and are a big help to those doing less well. You can see all these resident’s smiling faces in the previous photos enjoying all our company, both furry and human.

Elton Cleveland and Ronald Elliott

Elton and Ronald are doing about the same, maybe a little more frail. They are also in previous photos…

Joyce Naber

Joyce is unsteady on her feet when walking outside. Thankfully, Elsie and Esther know this and take her too hand. Here she is after one of her summer walks with her two walker buddies Elsie and Alice relaxing on the porch.

Gilbert Reese and Fern Duncan

Gilbert and Fern (who are in the Park Manor nursing home in Conroe) remain much the same. Fern says less and less, but responds well to comments, especially humor. Here are some pictures of them this month.

Thanks for your interest in us here!

Ken and Kenny

April 30, 2024

April 2024

Filed under: Pecan Grove,Senior Residence — knewman @ 5:54 pm

April is another big birthday month, and we do our best to celebrate accordingly. First was Kenny’s birthday, here he is with his Dragon Ball themed birthday cake and gifts, then with the younger staff. Salena made a little boy’s wish come true with this one!

Next was Shawn’s birthday, he turned the big 5.oh! He celebrated with us and even cooked his own birthday lunch. Here he is with his Tres Leches cake that reminisces about his lost youth. He also was given a hard hat to protect him from “Senior Moments”. Here is his cake, him with his cake and trying on his new protective wear.

Lastly but not least we had two birthdays in one: Ken (67) and Alice (95). They celebrate together every year but this year actually got to split the cake. Here they are with a his and her themed cake and many happy celebrators.

April has also been a whirlwind of quick meaningful visits. Several visitors have said they have been attempting to come for quite a while and things just kept popping up. First of which was Kathryn Huisman and Lavonne Stipp who came to see Elsie. Here they are chatting in her room.

Lavonne, Elsie, Kathryn

Nathan and Allison Potter from Mountain Peak came for another brief visit. Here they are with Ken, Kathy and all the residents except Elton.

Marilynn’s brother, Doug and his wife, Barb were able to come for a few days. They have not seen each other in person in many years so it was special for them to catch up. Here they are in Marilynn’s room with the Shawn and the Overby’s.

Long time friend of the ours, Herbie Barnett, came for a visit with his brother, Paul. Herbie and Ronald were co-workers long ago so Herbie felt he wanted to visit his old friend. Here they are together in the entry way, and again with his brother, Paul.

All of us enjoyed a visit from three out-of-state sister workers: Stacey Seidlitz, Ruth Warner, and Mindy Yule. Stacey was on our staff for several years and knows most of our workers well. Mindy was a co-worker with Joyce over the years. Here they are with Elsie and some of our workers, and again with their companions.

Resident Journals

Joyce Naber

Joyce does well, especially with the helpful direction of Esther. She has quite the appetite, and loves apples. Here she is asking to “lick the bowl” after a good meal, and again playing the piano, and lastly with her friend and co-worker Melinda Yule.

Alice Oetken

Alice has been doing great for 95! She still enjoys time spent with her cat Kitty Kitty and walks with Joyce or Elsie often. She had several family and friends call her for her birthday and send their best wishes. Here she is admiring her flowers, and kitty kitty on a table in her room.

Ronald Elliot

Ronald has been going to speech therapy recently. He was given take home exercises to try and improve his speech and vocal cord strength. Unfortunately he was not remembering to practice them and the therapist was not able to see much improvement. However, she was really talkative and interested in hearing about his ministry which perked him up and made him more excited for the visits.

Marie Mounce

Marie still likes to bake and garden. This year she felt less sure of herself helping out with the large garden so she instead has been focusing on the smaller pots close to the porch. Her sister thoughtfully gave her some seeds to plant in them which she cherishes dearly.

Gwen Farmer

Gwen has been doing well, she enjoys the challenge of a good puzzle just like Elsie. She was recently visited by her good friends Leon and Diane Richter. Here they are enjoying a talk on the porch.

Marilynn Frye

Marilynn always appreciates visits from her old co-workers and close family members. Especially those who can reminisce about Minnesota with her. Here she is in her room with her brother Doug and his wife Barb, and again with her previous co-workers.

Esther Duncan

Esther still gets along well. She renewed her drivers license (photo ID) this month! Also, we have started back up our garden and Esther has taken it on with gusto. Here she is planting and again with Salena at the garden box.

Elton Cleveland

Elton has had more difficulty, mostly due to his hearing loss. The doctor removed wax from his ears today, so hopefully his hearing will improve. He still loves his sweets, playing the piano, and taking naps!

Elsie Schroeder

Elsie always enjoys her personal visitors. This month was special with several arrivals. Here she is with her daughter-in-law Becky and Becky’s sister Mary.

Mary MacAdams, Elsie and Becky Schroeder

Gilbert Reese and Fern Duncan

Gilbert has been doing well after turning 100. He still enjoys eating in his spot near the window and receiving guests. Gloria Reese, Gilbert’s Niece and her family came for a belated celebration with him. She brought her son and his family Brendon, Katie, Makenzie, Marie, Zoie and Zaida. Here they are with uncle Gilbert in front of his favorite window.

Fern continues to decline, though at times she is able to visit. During a visit with Salena she was able to talk by phone with Sherdenia Dunn and Nadene Laird.

We had a lot of wild flowers and a lot of rain in April. Here are some of us watching the eclipse.

Thanks for your interest in us here!

Ken and Kenny

September 30, 2023

September 2023

Filed under: Pecan Grove,Senior Residence — knewman @ 5:56 pm

Louis is 100! He celebrated his birthday with his entire family here at PG. Several of them could only be in town for a quick weekend. It was also Louis and Elsie’s 70th wedding anniversary so the party preppers went all out. Here they are sitting at the cake table with two cakes, one birthday cake made of molasses for Louis and one carrot cake for Elsie.

Here are some candid shots of the family happily being together again. Also they took an impromptu family photo on the porch.

Many friends and family came for the event. Here are some candid photos of the party and happy guests.

Elton Plays a Duet with Chuck Smith
Elton enjoying Chucks upbeat play style

The fun didn’t stop there for the Schroeders. The next weekend we were joined by their daughter Carol and her husband Troy Aarestad and two daughters Sara and Amelia. They wanted to go all out for their grandpa so they put 100 candles on his cake for a little excitement. Here they are helping prepare the cake, blow out candles, and again together in front of the fireplace.

We also had a few visitors this month, Ed Lloyd and Frank Cook. They have been here before and know everyone well, this time they brought some nice folding chairs for meeting and a hunting canoe! Here they are just arriving in the entry way.

Ed Lloyd and Frank Cook

The last day of the month brought more visitors. Judy Timmersman and Kathy lived together in Minneapolis in 1975. William and Chris Williams from PA knew several residents. Here they are with Marilynn and then with the others they knew, Esther, Elton and Ronald.

Resident Journals

Unfortunately we have had another covid outbreak here at PG. This time it was not as severe symptoms but almost as many got it.

Ronald Elliott

Ronald was the first to experience any symptoms, and warn us that there might be covid afoot. He was complaining of being tired on Wednesday, but then on Thursday that week he actually hit his button, having fallen near his desk. Kenny and Salena responded to find him dizzy and slow moving. Eventually they were capable of getting him into bed where he stayed through the night. The next day he tested positive for covid and we isolated him, and then proceeded to test everyone else. He recovered quite quickly and was well enough to speak at the funeral of one of our South Houston friends, Jack Poage.

Louis and Elsie Schroeder

We have talked a lot about them this month, but they also got covid. Elsie was experiencing a severe cough after their company left and while Louis did not immediately test positive, we knew because of their close proximity that it was only a matter of time. He tested positive two days later and they have been isolating fairly well. Kenny took Louis to a show of Ford Model A cars. Here he is with one just like he used to own.

Elton Cleveland

Elton tested positive also, but without symptoms of any kind. It’s likely his positive test was due to having covid in July, but we isolated him out of precaution. Elton really appreciated playing the piano with Chuck Smith.

Two pianists who admire one another’s work

Joyce Nabor

Joyce did not test positive and has been her usual self. She has eye appointments regularly where they need to inject medicine into both eyes to help stave off macular degeneration. She takes them like a trooper and is back in good spirits quickly. Here she is posing with one of our guests, Ruth Pollard.

Ruth and Joyce

Esther Duncan

Esther has returned from her conventions in Kentucky and Tennessee. She is happy to be back, but happier still to recount all the wonderful fellowship she had there. There were several hopefuls who professed and she said they could have applauded out loud if it was appropriate. She is in great spirits.
Esther’s cousin Ruth Pollard came from London to visit for a few days. She took Esther out for a lamb lunch one day which she really enjoyed. Here they are posing with Joyce at the dinner table.

Esther, Ruth, Joyce

Gwen Farmer

Gwen has settled in well here. She went to New Mexico to visit her sister for a few weeks, but she will be back after Georgetown convention. Here she is offering her congratulation’s to Louis and Elsie.

Gwen says happy birthday!

Marilynn Frye

Marilynn has recovered completely since her surgery last month and is still active in watering her plants. She writes and receives a lot of correspondence and enjoys emailing or calling the friends also. She asked to make whole wheat bran pancakes the other day, here she is with her delicious breakfast.

Marilynn makes oatmeal bran pancakes

Marie Mounce

Marie was another one that did not get covid. She has however been going to a lot of appointments this month. Last week she went for an MRI to check out the mass growing in her brain, which we were told has not changed. She still likes to cook in the kitchen and this month made a Cajun style sandwich called a Pistolette, with ground beef and broccoli. Here she is filling her rolls, and again cleaning the peanut butter spoons as a little reward to herself for clearing the breakfast table.

Alice Oetken

Alice did not get covid. She still comes out every morning for her coco and coffee and pleasantly greets all who are around. Her cat, Kitty Kitty, has been somewhat better behaved of late. She still likes to walk with her slowly, as often as she can.

Alice visiting with Fern and bringing her letters

Fern Duncan

Fern has been doing well, but is tired when we go to see her. One of the friends sent her a beautiful purple gown. Here she is smiling while “trying it on”.

Fern looking Regal

Gilbert Reese

Gilbert is always the same when we visit. He spends most of his time sitting in his wheelchair in the back corner of the dining room at Park Manor, where he can see what is happening. He sees his visitors coming soon after they enter the front door and waves. He’s always happy, in good spirits, but he has almost no memory. Sometimes a name from the distant past will register, but even that is less and less.

Gilbert’s Corner

Thanks for your interest in Pecan Grove!

Kenny and Ken

August 31, 2023

August 2023

Filed under: Pecan Grove,Senior Residence — knewman @ 3:57 pm

August has flown by and has been just as eventful as our previous months. We had one major birthday this month: Fern turned 93! Fern always enjoys visits from the residents, as you can tell by her smile here with Esther, and again with Ronald who must have hit her funny bone.

Unfortunately Fern had a spell with her blood pressure the same day 12 0f us intended to go celebrate her birthday with her. After admitting her to the ER they found that she had an infection. Salena went to visit her and brought her a birthday cupcake which she enjoyed. All of the residents enjoyed them too, and sang happy birthday for her which Salena filmed and showed to her at the hospital. Here are her cupcakes as well as her enjoying them and reading her birthday mail.

Pearl Bailey and Linda Wilkins came to see Fern in the morning and were able to have a good visit with her before her spell that sent her to the hospital. Here they are at Pecan Grove on their way to see Fern.

Pearl Bailey and Linda Wilkins

We always enjoy our visitors, especially those who like to laugh. Russ and Judy Rosehill came for a visit with their friends and travel companions Frank and Edie DeVito. Here they are catching up before supper, as well as listening to Elton play a few tunes. Mimi knows them well and joined us for supper, which they so helpfully provided!


Unfortunately the Covid scare that started in July continued in August. We took all the necessary precautions and are happy to say that no one became very sick and everyone is now healthy and together again.

Gwen Farmer

Gwen was one of the first ones to test positive for covid upon her arrival here at PG from Happy. Fortunately, she was asymptomatic and did well throughout that time.

Gwen is our newest resident and has taken to the PG life very well. She still has her mind and wants to use it. That is why she has taken up puzzle making alongside Elsie. They spend quite a lot of time and effort on their puzzles and are very proficient at putting them together quickly. Elsie enjoys the company. Here they are working away on a hard puzzle that Mona Reese gave them, and then beaming next to the completed product.

Gwen is quite the social one, happy to talk with anyone. She accompanied the Overbys and Ronald to visit Gilbert. Here they are together during their visit.

Elton Cleveland

Elton was another resident that got Covid during the scare. He was extra tired, had a fever for a few days, but no other symptoms.

Elton asked me to show the story of the time his son, David, and our friend Slade Nordic repaired the stairs to the bunkhouse. This took place a while ago but he had the pictures that he took of them and wanted all to see. Here they are building them together, and then last the finished stairs.

Finally, Elton wanted to show everyone, especially his daughter Karen, that he was Covid free and looking good again. Here he is posing for Salena in the entryway and again entertaining the guests.

Ronald Elliott

Ronald did not get covid and was ok throughout lockdown. He has been a little unsteady on his feet and gave us more than one fright. So far so good, except he has taken to going “offroad” with his walker. Here he is making Fern laugh and again with Gilbert, then at the bridge feeding the fish, and finally enjoying his visit with frequent visitors Jeff and Patricia Oliver.

Alice Oetken

Alice was one of the last ones to get Covid. She slept a lot and had a cough for a week or so. She has fully recovered and has been coming out to talk with staff and residents like usual. She has some trouble with swallowing and has had speech therapy to try and counter this, but she is a trooper and just takes her food to her room to eat at her own speed. Here she is with Joyce and Gwen after bible study, and a fine picture of her cat Kitty Kitty.

Marilynn Frye

Marilynn was among the first to test positive for Covid after her return from Happy. She had a tough go of it, but recovered just in time for her bladder surgery (poor dear cannot catch a break). She was told by the doctor that about 50% of her bladder was full of tumors. They removed all of them and sent her home. Her recovery has been rather impressive, as she still comes out for meals, goes to meeting, and tends to her plants like usual. Here she is after one of her appointments having a savory favorite Pho.

Pho always puts a smile on ones face

Joyce Nabor

Joyce was also one of the few to get Covid a little later than the rest. Like Alice she was mostly just tired with some congestion. She did not take to isolation well and continued to be subdued for days after her recovery. She has returned back to normal and is back to feeding the fish and helping in the kitchen. Here she is with our guests the Rosehill’s and Devito’s, as well as Marie and Marilynn. Lastly, here is a picture of Esther and Joyce feeding the fish.

Esther Duncan

Esther did not get Covid and was okay throughout lockdown. She is on convention rounds in Tennessee and Kentucky. Here she is visiting Fern and bringing her some mail.

Esther with Fern bringing her mail

Marie Mounce

Marie was also one of the first to get covid, which like the others was mostly tiredness for her. She has been struggling with congestive heart failure and shortness of breath. As was mentioned last month, she had to be admitted to the hospital for dangerously high blood pressure. They found that she had an 80% blockage of one of her arteries, and that she needed a stent. The surgery went well and her recovery also, but she still has a hard time with her blood pressure spiking throughout the day. The staff has been vigilantly watching her blood pressure, taking measurements multiple times a day and administering medication as needed. She still likes to help in the kitchen and bake muffins, so she is not slowing down! Here she is in a new dress that Mona Reese bought with her.

Louis and Elsie Schroder

Louis and Elsie are doing well, they did not get Covid throughout lockdown. All of their family are coming soon for a grand celebration: Louis turns 100! and they celebrate their 70th wedding anniversary. Stay tuned next month for the story! Here they are together at the breakfast table.

Going on 70 years together

We look forward to bringing you more updates. Thank you for your interest in us here at Pecan Grove.

Kenny, Salena & Ken

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