Pecan Grove ( Pecan Grove and Senior Residence

September 26, 2009

September’s Almost Over

Filed under: Ponds,Senior Residence — knewman @ 5:25 pm

We’ve had some wonderful privileges since the last post.  Frances McPherson joined us at Pecan Grove.  Her daughter Patty Maki, and her husband Dale, have moved to this area and are buying a home. Joyce and Andrea had a wonderful mission and 5 made their choice here.  One was baptized in the lake at PG. We have a new resident coming in October, Evelyn Kuck.  She knows most of the residents here already, and they’re excited to hear she’s coming.

It finally started to rain!  The pecans are just about ready to harvest but the deer, squirrels and crows are taking a lot.  We’re not sure what we’ll have left.  The Tilapia have grown to a good size in the lake.  Now the challenge is catching them.

The following shows Dale and Patty Maki and Patty’s mom Frances McPherson.

Doris and I with our fish catch

Kathy and I were in Moscow recently and met up with a group of the friends traveling together.  Glenn and Shirley Spunagle from Redbud Canyon were with them.

Fishing wasn’t any good this morning but it sure was a beautiful morning.  Here’s the Sr Residence seen from across the lake.

We also tried fishing in the small pond.  Here’s the small pond with reflections of the trees on the other side.  There’s a fishing float somewhere in the small pond picture, but my eyes aren’t good enough to see it!


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