Pecan Grove ( Pecan Grove and Senior Residence

November 30, 2014

November 2014

Filed under: Senior Residence — knewman @ 4:35 pm

The 7 residents at PG are doing fairly well.  Jean has a stress fracture in her foot, so is using a wheel chair to get around… she says it’s improving.  She didn’t fall… doesn’t know how it happened.  We hear Mary Jane has settled in well at her new place in North Carolina… we’re glad that transfer went better than we could have hoped.  Naomi’s having more difficulty walking because of arthritis.   We’re giving her some supplements and they do seem to be helping somewhat.  There were 2 birthdays in November, Betty and Macy (one of the part-time staff).


Visitors included our good friend from New Zealand, Geoff Murry, and the McSpaddens.  Geoff is shown here with the eagle (a Kiwi and an Eagle!).  The Milles set up a tent on their property… the second picture shows the Milles with their 2 grandchildren, the McSpaddens, Geoff and Kathy.  Construction has started on the Mille home… hopefully the foundation slab will be completed in December.

Geoff Murray Milles Woods

Dub and Cindy Johnson brought Fern Duncan for a visit.  Fern knows several of the residents… especially Naomi.

Dub Fern and CindyNaomi and Fern

Elton Cleveland spent several days at PG while visiting his younger brother, Roger, in the nursing home.  We’re always glad for Elton’s visits… livens the place up!  Roger stays about the same… his memory is poor but he’s content and has a thankful spirit.  Unfortunately he continues to need more care than we can provide at PG.

Elton and Roger

Other visitors included Kari and Del Campbell and Cory Stevens… we didn’t get pictures.

November was a busy month on the farm, finishing the pecan harvest, cleaning, bagging and shipping… all is well that ends!  We were glad for the help of Samuel, Hector, Kenny, Jack and Leona, Dawn and Wayne….

We tried to take some family pictures, which was challenging with 4 young grandchildren.  Here they are… and a picture of a meltdown!

4 grandchildren Meltdown

Lots of traveling in November… I’ll include one picture from Scotland for those who know Alex and Betty, and one from Minneapolis for those who know Kathy’s siblings.

Aberdeen Scotland Johnsons



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