Pecan Grove ( Pecan Grove and Senior Residence

December 29, 2009

Year End – 2009

Filed under: Senior Residence — knewman @ 1:19 pm

It’s hard to believe 2009 is nearly finished.  It has been a wonderful year in many ways.  We now have six residents shown below in the following order, Doris Crawford, Frances McPherson, Evelyn Kuck,Teresa Goff, Betty Lawrence, Bea Jecmenek.

Our manager, Linda Ronhaar, had ankle surgery, and now rides around in a wheel chair.  Her two employees, Lounell and Cindy don’t seem to mind.

We’ve had a cold December, including snow!  Very unusual for this area.  But we’ve had plenty of warm friendship.  We’re glad for lots of visitors… I don’t have pictures of all of them.  Too much to eat!

Kathy’s sister, Pat Johnson, who labors in Utah, is here visiting… returning to SLC tomorrow.  She helped Kathy a few days at PG, but the only pictures I have of her are at home.  Here she is with our little boy Kenny, and then our family picture.

Happy New Year!


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