Pecan Grove ( Pecan Grove and Senior Residence

December 31, 2013

December 2013

Filed under: Pecan Grove,Senior Residence — knewman @ 8:50 pm

As 2013 comes to an end, we have so much to be thankful for.  Most at PG are doing their usual… all except Roger.  He recovered from the surgery he had, but hasn’t regained his strength.  He’s still in a long term care hospital in Conroe, and seems to have gotten weaker in recent days.  When he’s up to a conversation he never discusses himself.  He asks about some at PG, about the twins, about our family.  When we ask him how he’s doing he just says “don’t grow old!”.   He often discusses scripture or a line of a hymn he’s been enjoying… sometimes he quotes an entire stanza.  Other times he’s too tired to visit… just wants to sleep.  There were times in December we thought he was improving enough to come back to PG, but that doesn’t seem likely now.

We didn’t get pictures of most of the visitors we had in December.  The following shows Jeff Chenault with Travis Bolt.  Jeff is helping Travis on a project here.  He’ll probably be back in January.  Don, Charlotte and Paul Shaner visited from Virginia.

Travis and Jeff Paul, Charolett and Don

Steve Bailey visited Esther with Dale Maki.  Today is mom’s 82nd.  This picture wasn’t taken at PG like most of our birthday photos… it was taken at Ann Newman’s Orange Shoe studio in Houston.

Steve, Esther, Dale Leona's 82nd

Unfortunately we didn’t get pictures of many others… Jon and Mae Nelson were back for a visit.  The Milles are living in the cabin at PG now and they had visitors including Andrew Jacque from Canada, their kids Pierre Mille and Elisa Herd (with her son James).  Joyce spent a few days visiting her mom and helping at PG.  Several of Conchita and Samuels families visited.

We had a much colder December than usual, with temperatures dropping below freezing several nights.  The cold seemed to bring out the color in the leaves.  It’s certainly not New England, but there were some beautiful colors.  The deer stopped coming to the deer feeder… not sure why, but other varmints including crows, rabbits and coons cleaned up the corn.  This coon was determined to climb the 1″ diameter steel leg of the feeder.

leaves coon

Happy New Year!




December 1, 2013

November 2013

Filed under: Senior Residence — knewman @ 6:59 pm

Roger is in the hospital, recovering from a procedure done on Friday to remove a mass from his bladder.  It wasn’t cancer, and the doctor said he should come home on Monday, but that didn’t seem likely when we saw him this afternoon.  Hopefully he’ll get his strength back and be home soon.  Otherwise everyone at PG is about their usual.  The pictures below are from the November union Sunday pot luck.  Josh and Dale Maki are in the second picture.  Dale received the good news in November that he is cancer free.

Pot luck on union Sunday More from pot luck

Derald and Nita Steinbrecker came back for another visit in November.  Nita sang some songs she’d written, and had her birthday while with us.

Nita SingingNita and Derald - Nita's birthday

Mom’s brother and wife, Lynn and Florence Fuller from PA came to visit.  They’re shown here with my brother Brent and his wife Ann.  The last time Lynn and Florence were here (January 2012) Naomi “died” the first time… and Lynn fell on her and woke her up.  If you don’t recall that story and are interested… click back to the January 2012 post and read the paragraph about half way down.  Our sisters this year are Jennifer and Hannah (2nd picture).

Lynn Florence Brent Ann Jennifer and Hannah

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving with 26 of us at the residence and another dozen or so at the Hoffman residence.  Betty’s nephew, Scott Lee and his wife Brenda and son Oliver came with Joyce.  Some played games and fished.

Joyce Brenda Scott and Betty Playing Games Oliver and Don fishing



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