Pecan Grove ( Pecan Grove and Senior Residence

August 31, 2024

August 2024

Filed under: Senior Residence — knewman @ 3:36 pm

August has been hot, which is not surprising given the heat wave all across the country. We had a handful of quick visits this month, and one week long visit. Elsie’s daughter Carol and Granddaughter Ameillia Aarestad came for a nice visit. They bought all our ladies flowers, which they were overjoyed to pose with. Here they are with their flowers, the board that Ameillia left us and again everyone at the dinner table.

The only birthday this month was Fern who turned 94. Salena decided that it would be nice to take everyone to Park Manor nursing home to see her, Gilbert and Alice for a birthday treat. Here she is with her birthday bouquet, and again with Joyce and Marie encouraging her to eat her dessert.

Elton’s son, David, came for a week long visit to help with taking him to appointments and keeping him company. Here they are with everyone that went to Park Manor enjoying Elton’s favorite restaurant, Golden Corral, and again at PG with Elton.

Ken and Kathy had the grandkids for a few days so they brought them to the center to play. Here they are on the floor shooting marbles.

Play Time Is Never Over With Kids Around

Unfortunately, our dryers have been acting up these past few months. It finally came time to replace the worst one, and Kent Opel happily obliged to help put it in. Here he is triumphant with his granddaughter, Abigail.

Hurray! New Dryer

With all this heat, after all the rain, nature has been abounding everywhere. Here is a close up of our new sunflower, a fairy ring of mushrooms, and Andray with a dead snake we found in the building.

Ken and Kathy have been moving out of their house so that the Furrows could move in. Which means the center has received some refreshing new furniture. Here are Ronald and Marie trying out the “new” chairs.

Speaking of the Newman’s moving, here is a quick shot of the progress on going at the cabin.

Resident Journals

Esther Duncan

Esther was invited to attend the conventions in Tennessee and Kentucky this month. She has been helping Joyce a lot in the evenings, brushing her hair and getting her ready for bed. Here she is with her latest dessert, white cake with cream and strawberry filling.

Marie Mounce

Marie got covid this month. She had mild symptoms such as soar throat and cough, but some interesting side effects like loss of taste. She had to isolate for a several days. Once better, she went to Park Manor with the rest of the residents for Fern’s birthday. Here she is with Gilbert and Joyce.

Gwen Farmer

Gwen does well as usual. She continues to have correspondence with several overseas, and daily works on the puzzle with Elsie or Joyce. She was away at an appointment when the ladies got their flowers, so here she is with hers in her room.

Elsie Schroeder

Elsie does well still, she especially enjoys when her family comes for long visits. She was pleased to get help on the puzzle from her daughter, and likes to walk with her visitors around the circle. Here she is with Gwen and Gilbert at Park Manor.

Elton Cleveland

Elton has been struggling with foot and bladder issues. He has gotten a few treatments recently that seem to be helping. Here he is during his new routine of sitting outside to warm up after every meal, and listening to David play at Park Manor.

Ronald Elliott

Ronald is still about the same. He showed us a spot on his ankle that was swollen and hot to the touch, which he said was quite painful. Then he recently had several skin cancer spots removed from his nose and ear. He had a very quick visit from Wendall Wilson again. Wendall said he was working in Conroe and may be around more often. Here he is helping Ronald to get back to his room, and Ronald after his cancer removal.

Joyce Naber

Joyce needs our help a little more these days. At night Esther or the staff have been helping her with her hair, and throughout the week the staff tries to remind her to shower. As ever, she takes clear directions well and is happy to comply. She recently was gifted a Horse Lamp by the Opels, which she was pleased to show to others. Here she is with Alice.

Alice Oetken

Alice is making some progress with physical therapy. They said she could stand and walk at least fifteen feet on her own using a walker, and that she only needed some assistance with changing and the restroom. Here she is enjoying some flowers someone sent, and again smiling with Esther.

Fern Duncan and Gilbert Reese

Fern and Gilbert stay about the same. The staff at Park Manor wheel Gilbert over to visit Alice sometimes, which is sweet. He did not recognize most of the residents who came to visit, but was still talking with them. Fern was alert and seemed to recognize most of her visitors. We asked the staff at Park Manor to give Gilbert a hair cut. Here he is looking spiffy while talking with Esther.

We really appreciate your continued interest in the residents here.


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