Carpenters have been busy putting the wall puzzle togther. It goes fast and neat when they’re all built offsite.
Walls are plumbed and aligned by Saturday. Roof trusses are delivered and await a crane to help set them in place.
The well is complete with pump and tank set and just needs electrical power to pump water on demand. We tried a generator but it takes a lot of juice.
The drive to Jack and Leona Newman’s site got a culvert in the creek so heavy trucks can cross. The drill truck showed up to take a sample of the soil where the house pad will be.
The local electric company finally got us in their schedule and looks like they’re serious about getting us some power. Equipment and materials are stocked for underground service installation.
The Rosamond residence is waiting on windows which arrived Thursday and these porch timbers which are getting mortised and tenoned for assembly. tgh