Pecan Grove ( Pecan Grove and Senior Residence

November 30, 2023

November 2023

Filed under: Pecan Farming — knewman @ 8:31 pm

The beginning of November really warmed up compared to October. We had some very pleasant fall days. We’ve enjoyed many visitors this month, not just for the memorial either. Ray and Myra Klepzig came and brought tea, so we had a little impromptu tea party at the table. Here is everyone having a cozy cup of tea.

Ray and Myra and a spot of tea

Our workers, Clarence Mounce and Carl Hamilton, have started gospel meetings here at PG again. The residents really appreciate being able to attend instead of traveling or listening from afar.

We always look forward to visits from friends across the pond. Geoff and Linda Murray came to us from New Zealand. They lived on Lake Conroe and went to meeting with us from 1999 to 2002, so it is good to see them again after so long. Here they are with some of the ones they visited, as well as with Karin and Karla who really enjoyed growing up with their kids.

“Many hands make light work” is the motto of all the visitors who come here. Everyone likes to jump in and help where they can. Here are some shots of our visitors helping out.

Happy Thanksgiving! We enjoyed having the Furrows and our workers for lunch. Here are some shots of the table and our holiday spread. There is much to be thankful for around here!

We enjoyed a visit from Andrew and Monica Newman from Atlanta, Georgia. Andrew recently retired from Ken’s old company, CTES, and came for a retirement party and to visit PG.

Ken, Kathy, Monica and Andrew Newman

Resident Journals

Marilynn Frye

Marilynn had a bad fall at the beginning of the month. She was taking out the trash and lost her balance, falling hard on the stone banister before sitting down. She had a mobile X-ray come and check her out, which said she had no broken bones. However, the pain was quite severe, so Salena took her to the hospital which found that she had a small crack in her femur just below her hip replacement. She also has compression fractures in her spine but it’s not clear if they are new or old. She was able to return to us after a week of rehab, and has been doing well with physical therapy. All of this happened just before her 80th birthday which we celebrated belatedly at PG on Thanksgiving Day. Here she is with visitors in the hospital as well as at her birthday party upon her return to PG.

Elsie Schroeder

Elsie has been having a tough time with Louis’ passing. Having Roberta here was very comforting and the two of them spent a lot of quiet time together, walking and doing puzzles. Here are the ladies deep in contemplation.

We had a memorial for Louis on the 11th, with the family and many friends attending. Here are some pictures of the set up and of the friends and family who attended.

Alice Oetken

Alice is doing well and she still walks with her cat everyday. She enjoyed the visitors for the memorial as well, several came from the Midwest where she grew up. She also got a special visit from her nephew-in -law and his son, Roger and Lee Fryer. Here she is walking with her cat and at Thanksgiving, and lastly with her visitors in the entry way.

Elton Cleveland

Elton has been enjoying having Karen and David around so much. Unfortunately, he had a fall after Louis’ memorial. Nothing broken, just a scraped knee. Here he is with visitors and playing a duet with our visitor Dorothy Kleeb.

Always take the opportunity for a duet

Also our great friend and Elton’s daughter, Karen Cleveland, had a birthday this month. She turned 76! Here she is with her four quadrant cake.

Marie Mounce

Marie was able to spend some time with family after Effie. She saw her sisters and their families for a few days before being brought back. Here she is at the hearth with her sisters and one of their husbands.

Lecil and Annette Bassett, Verena McFadden and Marie

Joyce Naber

Joyce really loved a visit from her sister Diane and friend Dorothy Kleeb. Here she is reading her mail and with Diane. They took walks to feed the fish and helped Elsie with the puzzle, but mostly chatted and laughed (two of Joyce’s favorite things).

Ronald Elliott

Ronald is doing well, just a little unsteady on his feet. The staff has been encouraging him to use his walker, and he has been for his walks to the pond. He actually prefers to carry his cane on his walker, in case he needs to go on an adventure. Here he is returning from one of his jaunts, and again with Dan Wisecup.

Gwen Farmer

Gwen has been up and down this month. She had a bronchial cold for a while that was hard for her to shake. She still made the effort to come out and do the puzzle as well as attend all meals and studies. Here she is keeping up with her geography.

Never stop learning

Esther Duncan

Esther has been doing well, except for some continued teeth trouble. She had a few more teeth pulled, and finally got a partial denture that fit well. She is happy to have teeth again and be back to normal food. She has had a busy end of the year. After having several conventions she went away again to New Mexico to see Caroline Dunn and is back now.

Gilbert Reese and Fern Duncan

Gilbert and Fern are doing well, they still enjoy visitors and mail. Gilbert still enjoys his treats, here he is eating a peppermint patty.

Last month we included videos of a buck and a bobcat. Here’s a coyote taken at the same location.

Thank you all for your continued interest in the residents here. We can’t stress enough how much we appreciate the outpouring of support and love we receive, especially in times of mourning.

Kenny and Ken

October 31, 2023

October 2023

Filed under: Senior Residence — knewman @ 6:11 pm

We are sad to report that Louis Schroeder has passed on. He was up late one night and had a fall that broke his hip. Shawn called the ambulance and they took him to the hospital where he was deemed too weak to undergo surgery. They put him on hospice and he only lasted a week. His family is here to support Elsie and prepare for the memorial service.

October is our busiest month, and this one started off with a bang! Day one we had a union meeting followed by a potluck! Here are Elton and Dawn playing a duet at the potluck.

Also it finally began raining! And when it rains, it pours. Here is a video of the rain all of the residents were commenting about and some photos of the life it brought. Also, we found a small kitten in the field so we have a new cat named Jazzy, as well as our residence cat Kitty Kitty being her regal self.

We have a new eagle resident! Kenny named him Major, here he is hunting and again being run off by some crows.

Where eagles dare
Crows say you’re not welcome

Elton turned 106! Time goes by so quickly here, and we celebrated early this time. He got two birthdays. His kids came in for the event, and his Granddaughter Libby as well. Kathy made a “cherry surprise” for the potluck and it was a big hit with Elton. So for his birthday we made three! Here they all are enjoying his “train” cake and opening presents.

October is our busiest month because of the back to back birthdays, and of course convention. Right after Elton, our very own Abigail turned 25!

Elton and Abigail were not the only ones with big birthdays this month. Anita turned 56! Here she is celebrating with her family and staff…

Elsie also had a birthday this month, she turned 95! We enjoyed having her family again.

Don, Carol, Elsie and Abigail

Fall has fallen upon us quite nicely. The residents who don’t go for walks like to enjoy the fresh air by sitting in the sun. Here are a few patrons of the Pecan Grove day spa.

We also enjoyed a host of visitors this month. Including a friend from Ecuador, Pearl Musgrove. Here she is with the residents and Patty Maki who picked her up at the airport during her ten hour layover.

Resident Journals

Alice Oetken

Alice was disappointed that she was not able to go to Spanish Georgetown. But, the staff made sure to put the meetings on the loud speaker so she could enjoy them. She was able to attend Georgetown English. Here she is enjoying a magazine with Joyce, and Alice being chauffeured on the golf cart at Georgetown.

Joyce Nabor

Joyce was hesitant to go to the convention this year, but with some persuasion and promise that there will be many to help her there, she decided to go. She also enjoyed the company that came during Elton’s birthday and had a nice walk and talk with Elton’s granddaughter Libby. Here they are together by the pond.

Marie Mounce

Marie was able to get to both Spanish and English Georgetown, as well as Effie in her home state of Louisiana. She was tired but very happy for all the fellowship and greetings from old friends. Here she is being taken around at Georgetown, and riding to Effie with Gary and Susan Peter.

Ronald Elliott

Ronald was debating about going to both Spanish and English Georgetown. After some deliberation he decided to just go to Spanish. He knew several of the visiting workers. Here he is with a few of them: Jonathan Aceves, Archie Carson, and Samuel Herrera.

Louis and Elsie Schroeder

Elsie took Louis’ death pretty well. She knew it was only a matter of time but it is still a lot to process. Elsie enjoyed a visit from her family for her birthday, and the support and love she got from her sister Roberta Stipp and companion Gloria Edwards, brought here by Joy Holden. Here they are together.

Esther Duncan

After being at conventions previously this year in Tennessee and Kentucky, Esther was still eager for more. She had the special privilege of being able to go to Texarkana this month also. Here she is at Georgetown

Marilynn Frye

Marilynn was very excited to be able to go too both Spanish and English Georgetown. She even got to speak first on Sunday. She enjoyed seeing those she labored with, and some who flew in from Mexico to be there. Here she is doing laundry with Marie.

Elton Cleveland

Elton had a busy couple of weeks with his 106th birthday and family coming in. David came for a while and stayed through conventions which was nice for Elton. Elton did not go to Georgetown with David this year but was able to listen here at PG. Here he is trying out Anita’s birthday gift, then with his 2 remaining children, David and Karen.

Gwen Farmer

Gwen has been gone most of October. She went to New Mexico to visit her sister in law and go to a few planned doctors appointments there. She came back for Georgetown English, then went to Mountain Peak and returned to PG after. Here she is helping with laundry at convention.

Fern Duncan and Gilbert Reese

Fern and Gilbert have been doing well. They seem content with their arrangements and appreciate the ones who stop by for a visit. Here’s a picture of Fern reading her mail that Salena brought her. Richard Gasser and Lyle Fisher came back from Mountain Peak with us to Pecan Grove and then went to visit Gilbert. Lyle’s grandmother was a sister to Roberta and Elsie.

We really enjoyed our convention time. The residents who went were very pleased to see their old friends and companions again. Here is a medley of photos from their time at Georgetown, as well as the traditional stop on our journey, Freddie’s.

The folks renting our cabin, Chris and Allison, have set up game cameras on the property. Here are video’s of a buck and a bobcat at about the same location near the cabin.


We’ve started a project today, Halloween, to replace some rotten beams in the porch roof of the Sr. Residence.

Ken, Kenny and David Cleveland

We appreciate your continued interest in us here.

Kenny and Ken

September 30, 2023

September 2023

Filed under: Pecan Grove,Senior Residence — knewman @ 5:56 pm

Louis is 100! He celebrated his birthday with his entire family here at PG. Several of them could only be in town for a quick weekend. It was also Louis and Elsie’s 70th wedding anniversary so the party preppers went all out. Here they are sitting at the cake table with two cakes, one birthday cake made of molasses for Louis and one carrot cake for Elsie.

Here are some candid shots of the family happily being together again. Also they took an impromptu family photo on the porch.

Many friends and family came for the event. Here are some candid photos of the party and happy guests.

Elton Plays a Duet with Chuck Smith
Elton enjoying Chucks upbeat play style

The fun didn’t stop there for the Schroeders. The next weekend we were joined by their daughter Carol and her husband Troy Aarestad and two daughters Sara and Amelia. They wanted to go all out for their grandpa so they put 100 candles on his cake for a little excitement. Here they are helping prepare the cake, blow out candles, and again together in front of the fireplace.

We also had a few visitors this month, Ed Lloyd and Frank Cook. They have been here before and know everyone well, this time they brought some nice folding chairs for meeting and a hunting canoe! Here they are just arriving in the entry way.

Ed Lloyd and Frank Cook

The last day of the month brought more visitors. Judy Timmersman and Kathy lived together in Minneapolis in 1975. William and Chris Williams from PA knew several residents. Here they are with Marilynn and then with the others they knew, Esther, Elton and Ronald.

Resident Journals

Unfortunately we have had another covid outbreak here at PG. This time it was not as severe symptoms but almost as many got it.

Ronald Elliott

Ronald was the first to experience any symptoms, and warn us that there might be covid afoot. He was complaining of being tired on Wednesday, but then on Thursday that week he actually hit his button, having fallen near his desk. Kenny and Salena responded to find him dizzy and slow moving. Eventually they were capable of getting him into bed where he stayed through the night. The next day he tested positive for covid and we isolated him, and then proceeded to test everyone else. He recovered quite quickly and was well enough to speak at the funeral of one of our South Houston friends, Jack Poage.

Louis and Elsie Schroeder

We have talked a lot about them this month, but they also got covid. Elsie was experiencing a severe cough after their company left and while Louis did not immediately test positive, we knew because of their close proximity that it was only a matter of time. He tested positive two days later and they have been isolating fairly well. Kenny took Louis to a show of Ford Model A cars. Here he is with one just like he used to own.

Elton Cleveland

Elton tested positive also, but without symptoms of any kind. It’s likely his positive test was due to having covid in July, but we isolated him out of precaution. Elton really appreciated playing the piano with Chuck Smith.

Two pianists who admire one another’s work

Joyce Nabor

Joyce did not test positive and has been her usual self. She has eye appointments regularly where they need to inject medicine into both eyes to help stave off macular degeneration. She takes them like a trooper and is back in good spirits quickly. Here she is posing with one of our guests, Ruth Pollard.

Ruth and Joyce

Esther Duncan

Esther has returned from her conventions in Kentucky and Tennessee. She is happy to be back, but happier still to recount all the wonderful fellowship she had there. There were several hopefuls who professed and she said they could have applauded out loud if it was appropriate. She is in great spirits.
Esther’s cousin Ruth Pollard came from London to visit for a few days. She took Esther out for a lamb lunch one day which she really enjoyed. Here they are posing with Joyce at the dinner table.

Esther, Ruth, Joyce

Gwen Farmer

Gwen has settled in well here. She went to New Mexico to visit her sister for a few weeks, but she will be back after Georgetown convention. Here she is offering her congratulation’s to Louis and Elsie.

Gwen says happy birthday!

Marilynn Frye

Marilynn has recovered completely since her surgery last month and is still active in watering her plants. She writes and receives a lot of correspondence and enjoys emailing or calling the friends also. She asked to make whole wheat bran pancakes the other day, here she is with her delicious breakfast.

Marilynn makes oatmeal bran pancakes

Marie Mounce

Marie was another one that did not get covid. She has however been going to a lot of appointments this month. Last week she went for an MRI to check out the mass growing in her brain, which we were told has not changed. She still likes to cook in the kitchen and this month made a Cajun style sandwich called a Pistolette, with ground beef and broccoli. Here she is filling her rolls, and again cleaning the peanut butter spoons as a little reward to herself for clearing the breakfast table.

Alice Oetken

Alice did not get covid. She still comes out every morning for her coco and coffee and pleasantly greets all who are around. Her cat, Kitty Kitty, has been somewhat better behaved of late. She still likes to walk with her slowly, as often as she can.

Alice visiting with Fern and bringing her letters

Fern Duncan

Fern has been doing well, but is tired when we go to see her. One of the friends sent her a beautiful purple gown. Here she is smiling while “trying it on”.

Fern looking Regal

Gilbert Reese

Gilbert is always the same when we visit. He spends most of his time sitting in his wheelchair in the back corner of the dining room at Park Manor, where he can see what is happening. He sees his visitors coming soon after they enter the front door and waves. He’s always happy, in good spirits, but he has almost no memory. Sometimes a name from the distant past will register, but even that is less and less.

Gilbert’s Corner

Thanks for your interest in Pecan Grove!

Kenny and Ken

August 31, 2023

August 2023

Filed under: Pecan Grove,Senior Residence — knewman @ 3:57 pm

August has flown by and has been just as eventful as our previous months. We had one major birthday this month: Fern turned 93! Fern always enjoys visits from the residents, as you can tell by her smile here with Esther, and again with Ronald who must have hit her funny bone.

Unfortunately Fern had a spell with her blood pressure the same day 12 0f us intended to go celebrate her birthday with her. After admitting her to the ER they found that she had an infection. Salena went to visit her and brought her a birthday cupcake which she enjoyed. All of the residents enjoyed them too, and sang happy birthday for her which Salena filmed and showed to her at the hospital. Here are her cupcakes as well as her enjoying them and reading her birthday mail.

Pearl Bailey and Linda Wilkins came to see Fern in the morning and were able to have a good visit with her before her spell that sent her to the hospital. Here they are at Pecan Grove on their way to see Fern.

Pearl Bailey and Linda Wilkins

We always enjoy our visitors, especially those who like to laugh. Russ and Judy Rosehill came for a visit with their friends and travel companions Frank and Edie DeVito. Here they are catching up before supper, as well as listening to Elton play a few tunes. Mimi knows them well and joined us for supper, which they so helpfully provided!


Unfortunately the Covid scare that started in July continued in August. We took all the necessary precautions and are happy to say that no one became very sick and everyone is now healthy and together again.

Gwen Farmer

Gwen was one of the first ones to test positive for covid upon her arrival here at PG from Happy. Fortunately, she was asymptomatic and did well throughout that time.

Gwen is our newest resident and has taken to the PG life very well. She still has her mind and wants to use it. That is why she has taken up puzzle making alongside Elsie. They spend quite a lot of time and effort on their puzzles and are very proficient at putting them together quickly. Elsie enjoys the company. Here they are working away on a hard puzzle that Mona Reese gave them, and then beaming next to the completed product.

Gwen is quite the social one, happy to talk with anyone. She accompanied the Overbys and Ronald to visit Gilbert. Here they are together during their visit.

Elton Cleveland

Elton was another resident that got Covid during the scare. He was extra tired, had a fever for a few days, but no other symptoms.

Elton asked me to show the story of the time his son, David, and our friend Slade Nordic repaired the stairs to the bunkhouse. This took place a while ago but he had the pictures that he took of them and wanted all to see. Here they are building them together, and then last the finished stairs.

Finally, Elton wanted to show everyone, especially his daughter Karen, that he was Covid free and looking good again. Here he is posing for Salena in the entryway and again entertaining the guests.

Ronald Elliott

Ronald did not get covid and was ok throughout lockdown. He has been a little unsteady on his feet and gave us more than one fright. So far so good, except he has taken to going “offroad” with his walker. Here he is making Fern laugh and again with Gilbert, then at the bridge feeding the fish, and finally enjoying his visit with frequent visitors Jeff and Patricia Oliver.

Alice Oetken

Alice was one of the last ones to get Covid. She slept a lot and had a cough for a week or so. She has fully recovered and has been coming out to talk with staff and residents like usual. She has some trouble with swallowing and has had speech therapy to try and counter this, but she is a trooper and just takes her food to her room to eat at her own speed. Here she is with Joyce and Gwen after bible study, and a fine picture of her cat Kitty Kitty.

Marilynn Frye

Marilynn was among the first to test positive for Covid after her return from Happy. She had a tough go of it, but recovered just in time for her bladder surgery (poor dear cannot catch a break). She was told by the doctor that about 50% of her bladder was full of tumors. They removed all of them and sent her home. Her recovery has been rather impressive, as she still comes out for meals, goes to meeting, and tends to her plants like usual. Here she is after one of her appointments having a savory favorite Pho.

Pho always puts a smile on ones face

Joyce Nabor

Joyce was also one of the few to get Covid a little later than the rest. Like Alice she was mostly just tired with some congestion. She did not take to isolation well and continued to be subdued for days after her recovery. She has returned back to normal and is back to feeding the fish and helping in the kitchen. Here she is with our guests the Rosehill’s and Devito’s, as well as Marie and Marilynn. Lastly, here is a picture of Esther and Joyce feeding the fish.

Esther Duncan

Esther did not get Covid and was okay throughout lockdown. She is on convention rounds in Tennessee and Kentucky. Here she is visiting Fern and bringing her some mail.

Esther with Fern bringing her mail

Marie Mounce

Marie was also one of the first to get covid, which like the others was mostly tiredness for her. She has been struggling with congestive heart failure and shortness of breath. As was mentioned last month, she had to be admitted to the hospital for dangerously high blood pressure. They found that she had an 80% blockage of one of her arteries, and that she needed a stent. The surgery went well and her recovery also, but she still has a hard time with her blood pressure spiking throughout the day. The staff has been vigilantly watching her blood pressure, taking measurements multiple times a day and administering medication as needed. She still likes to help in the kitchen and bake muffins, so she is not slowing down! Here she is in a new dress that Mona Reese bought with her.

Louis and Elsie Schroder

Louis and Elsie are doing well, they did not get Covid throughout lockdown. All of their family are coming soon for a grand celebration: Louis turns 100! and they celebrate their 70th wedding anniversary. Stay tuned next month for the story! Here they are together at the breakfast table.

Going on 70 years together

We look forward to bringing you more updates. Thank you for your interest in us here at Pecan Grove.

Kenny, Salena & Ken

July 31, 2023

July 2023

Filed under: Pecan Grove,Senior Residence — knewman @ 4:19 pm

July has carried on with the summer tradition of being scorching hot. Luckily for the residents there is plenty of space to roam inside PG for exercise. We began the month with some welcome repeat visitors. Luis Rosas, who worked for us for a summer, came to see Ronald. He even spent some time with Louis getting to know his “namesake” as Louis called it.

The two “Louis’s”

Our other repeat was a small family from North Texas. Brandon and Alisha Trobaugh and their two daughters Summer and Autumn came for a visit. Here they are with Marilynn and Marie.

Fourth of July is always a highlight for the residents. Kenny and Salena like to put on a fireworks display, and Salena enjoys decorating for the occasion. Here they are setting up a fire pit for s’mores and showing off the fireworks.

We had a quick lunch visit from the Sutton family on their way to Happy convention. Here are William and his two sons Gage and Hunter conversing with the Ronald, Esther, Alice and Marie in the living room.

Speaking of Happy, Marilynn was up for riding with Abigail to attend Happy convention. They had a wonderful convention, which our other residents and even some friends here on the grounds were able to listen too. Afterward, Gwen Farmer rode back with Marilynn and Abigail to PG. Gwen will be staying a while again, so we are counting her as a new resident. Here they are on their little adventure, stopping for treats along the way.

Long time friends and frequent visitors Chris and Jo Ellen Hertz came for a nice visit again. This time they brought a pair of South Houston friends Carlos and Mary Cortez. Here they are talking with Alice, Elsie, and Ronald for quite some time, then again with Joyce and Esther in front of the fireplace.

We always appreciate family visits, and the Schroeders have been faithful to deliver! Candace came again with her two boys and girl : AJ, Miles, and Brenna. Along with their aunt Angela Schroeder and her 3 children Everett, Lewis and Camille.

Here are AJ and Miles being read to by Marilynn again, she really enjoys that. As well as the whole family together in front of the fireplace.

We also had a visit from the Schroeder’s daughter and grand-daughter who just graduated college, Carol and Amelia Aarestad. So many special visits in so little time.

Resident Journals

We don’t often take the time to deliver insights into our residents’ everyday lives. We will try not to make it too wordy, and have a few fun anecdotes. Ages and dates are in the “residents at pg” link in the upper right corner of the blog.

Elton Cleveland (105 3/4):

Elton has really been enjoying having Karen so close by. He talks with her by email everyday and sends her news clippings or comics often. He recently decided to write out all the things he appreciates about Pecan Grove, and then proceeded to recount them to a captive audience. Here he is happily trying to bring some cheer to the supper table.

Marilynn Frye:

Marilynn has had a big month, with going to Happy Convention and so many visitors, she stays very busy. Unfortunately after her return she tested positive with covid (along with 4 others) so has been quarantined to her room (as have all the residents). Hopefully the quarantine will be finished tomorrow. Marilynn seems to be doing well, the staff monitor everyone closely and she has steadily been recovering from minor covid symptoms. Unfortunately her bladder cancer has grown, which is a big concern. More testing is needed before any decisions can be made.

Marie Mounce:

Marie has had a tough go of it this month. She was really looking forward to going to Happy Convention with Abigail and Marilynn. Unfortunately her blood pressure has been acting up and just before she was going to leave it plummeted very low. She was feeling dizzy, light headed and fatigued so the staff suggested she stay back and rest. Over time different symptoms began developing which culminated with a positive covid test and her being hospitalized. They found that she heart problems, two infections, and covid! The covid was the least of the doctor’s concerns. In fact, covid may have saved her life because a positive test (on top of her other issues) caused the decision to send her to the hospital. They treated the infections first and she immediately improved. Tomorrow (August 1) they will do a heart catheterization and possibly a stent (her 5th). Also, she turned 90 years young this month! Here she is with Clarence enjoying her birthday and again with the workers.

Gwen Farmer:

Gwen came back from Happy with Abigail and Marilynn and is now staying with us again. She was in good spirits upon her return, but like Marilynn, Elton, and Marie she also came down with covid. She has her appetite and is showing mild symptoms. The staff is continuing to monitor her condition as well. Here she is with Joyce Lawrence at the dinner table (before we knew anyone had covid).

Ronald Elliott:

Ronald has been doing well. He did not catch the bug but he has been isolating like the others. He likes to sit back in his room and read a lot so this is no change for him. Here he is trying to wrangle Abigail’s dog, Ethel, before she could do any damage. He likes to feed her and talk to her, she’s his little friend.

Alice Oetken:

Alice keeps busy with her cat! The cat isn’t welcome in the residence except in Alice’s room through a cat door in Alice’s bedroom window. When the cat is outside Alice goes out to look for it and tries to walk with it. Ronald and Alice enjoy teasing each other. Alice enjoys the visitors and often has visits from her family, though there weren’t any in July (see the April and May posts).

Joyce Naber:

Joyce is an avid walker and does well with all this heat. She likes to walk down to the pond once a day and feed the fish whatever leftover bread the kitchen has. We know for sure, any bread started will be finished! Also that those fish must be getting pretty fat with all this attention. Here she is with her favorite walking buddy Elsie.

Speed Racers!

Esther Duncan:

Esther is a trooper. She goes out to water the garden every other day, even when not feeling the greatest. She has been struggling with her teeth this year. She has had a few of them pulled and a partial denture has been made to fill in where they were. Unfortunately she has had trouble with the new partial staying put, and has had several repeat visits to the dentist to get it right. That won’t stop her though, she eats everything cautiously with not a word of complaint.

Elsie and Louis Schroeder:

Elsie and Louis have been really enjoying all the company this month. Their granddaughter and her kids come often and love to be with their grandparent’s. Elsie is still a master puzzler, whipping through a jigsaw puzzle in under a week! Louis likes to read the newspaper and sometimes warm up outside while watching the birds. Here they are at Marie’s birthday party and again in front of the fireplace with their guests.

Fern Duncan and Gilbert Reese:

Fern and Gilbert are doing well in Park Manor nursing home in Conroe. Fern is bedfast now. She really enjoys her mail and is still able to read any notes or letters that are sent to her. Gilbert gets around in his wheelchair, and enjoys having his mail read to him. Here they are in a few recent visits.

Here are the workers that have been in our field, Clarence Mounce and Timothy Uzzell with our good friend and visitor Fred Adadjo.

We hope everyone is doing well and we appreciate your thinking of us here at PG.

Kenny and Ken

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