February continued to be wet and cold, but not enough for more snow. We have had a very busy month anyway, with several big birthdays and some major changes happening.
First, our birthdays! Both Patty Maki and David Cleveland had birthdays on the third. Patty was out of town to celebrate so the girls went all out for David. Here he is with his guitar cake, and the cake again.
Ronald, Elton, David, Clarence
We did two birthday celebrations together for Mimi and Salena today. Abigail went all out again for them. Here they are with their tiramisu- macaroon cake.
Kenny, Salena, Mimi, Dominique
Joyce was having a few bad days of weakness and confusion, which made the staff very concerned. They took her to the ER and found nothing out of the ordinary, but because of her being physically weak the doctor ordered some rehabilitation. During rehab she was given physical and occupational therapy everyday, but once she was given a cognitive assessment it was clear she could not return to us. We were able to move her to a memory care place in Willis Nursing and Rehab that we have used before. She took the news well and the move went smoothly. Several of the residents and staff have been to see her in the new place and she is doing well. Thankfully, the new place is only 15 minutes away, which makes for easier visits. She has the same great spirit, lights up when she sees us, is happy and laughing when we talk with her. Here she is with her dear friend Esther, again with Kathy, and again with her new room equipped with some reminders of home.
Marie, Doreen, Esther with Joyce
We have another new arrival: Doreen Beyer, from Iowa, is our 42nd resident! She has labored all over including: Iowa and the Caribbean, mainly in the French speaking islands! Here she is with Marie, Esther, and Emma in the entry way.
Esther, Doreen, Marie, Emma
We had many visitors this month. Fred Adadjo came again bringing his wife, Julie, and son, Benjamin. They really enjoyed talking with Ronald and getting around to some of the others here. Here they are in the entry way.
Julie, Benjamin, and Fred Adadjo
Ken and Mary MacAdams came for a few days with Don and Becky Schroeder. Becky and Mary are sisters. They all came to see Elsie for awhile. Here they are visiting the residents at Park Manor, and again at the table.
Elise’s’ daughter and granddaughters Carol, Amelia, and Sara Aarestad came for visit. They take special interest in spending one on one time with Elsie and playing as many games as she can handle. Not to mention, they are a whizz at puzzles! It must run in the family! Here they are…
Sara, Elsie, Carol, Amelia
A few friends of Fern came by to meet the residents on their way to see her. Joy Jackman with grand daughter, Mariel, sister, Wendy Rudolph and Wendy’s daughter, Rebecca.
Emma, Mariel, Joy, Wendy, Rebecca, Marie
We decided to have a little hymn sing, with Doreen playing the piano (unfortunately Elton is no longer able). Here is everyone singing around the piano.
The boys have had enough of dealing with clogged drain pipes. This time they took out the backhoe! Here they are figuring out what to do when we finally get down to the pipe. Hopefully this won’t happen again!
Digging To China Boys With Toys Do You Know What To Do With This Hole?
The Texas workers staff have been on special meeting rounds this month, and they planned another workers meeting here. We really enjoy having them, and they really enjoy the time all together. Here are some pictures of the lunch afterward and the 2025 Texas Workers photo.
Even with all the rain and snow we still see some wildlife pictures.
Resident Journals
Emma Perez
Emma is doing great, she gets daily phone calls and correspondence from her many friends. Sadly, her brother in Chicago passed away this month so she spent the over a week up there. She was able to spend a few hours with him in the hospital before his passing, and attend his funeral. Here she is at special meeting being greeted by some dear friends, and again with Mary MacAdams. This young boy was pretending to be her cane!
Doreen Beyer
Doreen has fit in seamlessly, and really enjoys her new life here. She enjoys talking with Marie about anyone they would know together from their time in the islands. Here she is happily settling into her new room.
Esther Duncan
Esther does well as usual. Still keeps busy with correspondence and phone calls or emails. She is often wanting to go into town, especially to visit Joyce and the others. Here she is with Joyce being best of friends, and with Mary.
Gwen Farmer
Gwen stays the same, still corresponding with her friends in Korea as often as possible. She liked having the Uzzell girls here for a visit, and took them to her room to see some of her treasures.
Elsie Schroeder
As always, Elsie really perks up when she has company. This month she had two separate visits to enjoy. Don and Becky coming with Ken and Mary was a welcome change of pace. She really loves to play games, and hardly ever loses! Here she is at the puzzle with son, Don, and Dawn Overby.
Elton Cleveland
Elton has gone down a lot. He sleeps most of the day and then is sometimes up at night. When he does come out it is for meals, and very briefly. He did come to see what all the fuss was about when the workers were here. Here he is sitting at the piano with Jade Carolus, sunning outside with David, and again relaxing on the floor after a small fall.
Ronald Elliott
Ronald is slowing down quite a lot. Mostly, he deals with memory issues and incontinence. He has a vivid imagination sometimes, and the staff gets to go along on some of his mental journeys. He recently got prepared to have a baptism here in the pond. All we would like to know is, who is getting baptized?! Here he is celebrating David’s birthday.
Marie Mounce
Marie is her usual jovial self, and still cooks up a storm. She still struggles with her blood pressure and sometimes has to lay down because of dizziness. Here she is with some of the Uzzells who came for lunch.
Jennifer Uzzell, Marie, Saige, Julia, Jolee
Joyce Naber (Willis Nursing Home)
We have been able to visit Joyce several times already. She is always happy to see us, and seems to remember who we are. Shawn and Anita visited most recently and she knew their names. Here she is with Anita, and again with a few other visitors.
Fern Duncan, Gilbert Reese, Alice Oetken (Park Manor Nursing Home)
All of our away residents are doing quite well. Fern has even been talking when we go to visit! Gilbert still doesn’t say much, and now has Alice to watch over him and keep him company. Alice is always happy to receive visitors, but does worry about Gilbert a bit. Here they are happy to see Shawn and Anita, and Fern with her clean hat, then Doreen, Gilbert, Marie and Alice.
Doreen, Gilbert, Marie and Alice
We have a sign over the coffee pot that gets updated regularly. Here’s the current sign:

Thanks again for your interest in us here!
Kenny and Ken