Pecan Grove ( Pecan Grove and Senior Residence

September 30, 2024


Filed under: Senior Residence — knewman @ 5:23 pm

We had several visits this month, starting with a holiday visit from Don and Becky Schroeder. They had labor day off so stopped in for the night. Here they are with Elsie in the entry way.

Elton’s son David has returned and decided to move in for a while to help with Elton. He helps with Elton’s appointments, works on whatever he can, and cheers up the place. Here he is on his newest toy, an electric unicycle.

Proof That Age Is Just A Number

We had a visit from our friends Wendall and Gillian Wilson, and Fred Adadjo. Fred returned to stay with us for a few days. He spent some time visiting those on the farm and those at Park Manor. Here they are in front of the piano.

September has been wetter than normal, and it still steaming hot. Everything is still growing like crazy, so we stay very busy. Here is a picture of a rainbow lighting up the sky, and Andray with a fish he caught and filleted, and lastly a turtle we caught crossing the road.

Kitty Kitty is still living in Alice’s old room and sometimes she tries to “pay rent”. These critters are usually dead, but this time she brought in a living snake! Here she is playing with her catch and Salena using her special tools to get rid of it.

Tomorrow (Oct 1) is Andray Howell’s 20th birthday but we celebrated today. Here he is with Joyce, Ronald and Dominique.

In August Ken and Kathy went to convention in France and then to Portugal. They showed pictures to the residents. Marie saw several people she had helped in the French islands. Esther and others saw many workers they know. All 7 current residents are in the picture below.

Resident Journals

Elton Cleveland

Elton is slowing down. With his son, David, here he has been getting more personal attention, which he thrives on. He still plays the piano when his feet aren’t bothering him, and enjoys sunbathing with Kitty Kitty. Here they are together in the entry way relaxing.

Alice Oetken

Alice has been taken off of physical therapy at Park Manor. This means she won’t not be returning to PG. She always enjoys her visitors and wants them to come back more often. Here she is with Elton, the Hoffmans, Fred and Gilbert.

Marie Mounce

Marie does well. She still loves to bake in the kitchen. Her favorites are corn bread and banana nut muffins. Here she is visiting Alice with a big grin.

Esther Duncan

Esther has been gone all month to conventions in Tennessee. She returned with good stories and thankfulness for getting to see her friends again. She said they all heard “very sound doctrine”. Here she is at convention with her classic cup of tea.

Elsie Schroeder

Elsie stays busy at the puzzle table, she is the mainstay of the puzzle crew. When Don and Becky come they always play a few rounds of Hand and Foot, which Elsie almost always wins.

Gwen Famer

Gwen is doing well, she has some eye trouble but is determined to not let it slow her down. She likes her optometrist and is positive about her eyesight staying about the same. Here she is visiting Alice.

Ronald Elliott

Ronald is slowing down but still does well. His iPhone has given its best but he’s beyond being able to use it. The staff is making calls for him if he needs, and he seems happy with this arrangement. Please feel free to call the main number if you want to speak with him. He’s looking forward to Georgetown Spanish and English.

Joyce Naber

Joyce stays about the same. She still struggles with her memory but she is set in a good routine that keeps her positive. She likes when people call to talk with her, although she doesn’t always remember who they are. Here she is again at Andray’s birthday lunch.

Fern Duncan and Gilbert Reese

Fern and Gilbert remain the same. Gilbert enjoys company but does not know who the visitors are. Fern seems to remember the residents better but is mostly quiet. Here’s Gilbert with Elton and Fern with Fred and Andray.

We appreciate your continued interest in our residents here. Please feel free to call our main number if you would like to chat with anyone of them.

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