Our plans for Pecan Grove include the building of a Sr. Residence and two homes, one for Mike and Ronda Rosamond (Ronda is my sister) and another for my parents, Jack and Leona Newman. The following map shows where each of these will be. The yellow lines are power lines. The road across the bottom is State Highway 150… I guess it’s called Gibbs Street though I’ve never heard anyone call it that. At the bottom middle route 1097 T’s into SH 150. The current entry to the property is the straight sandy road that goes back to the barn and house area. We’re rerouting the incoming road with a gate further to the left on 150 to make exiting onto 150 safer. The red lines are the borders of the 3 properties, the large 101 acre farm and two 17 acre lots. Unfortunately, the man who owns the 10 acre lot between the two 17 acre lots is unwilling to sell…. so far.
The pictures of the road shown on other postings are in the horizontal portion of the blue line above from the house to the Sr. Residence through the woods. The drives to Mike and Ronda’s place and to Dad and Mom’s place are still trails.
The floor plan for the Sr. Residence is shown below. It is very similar to the one at Redbud Canyon.
There are 10 apartments. The 4 on the ends are slightly larger for couples. In the center there is the great room and the kitchen. The main entrance comes into the kitchen area.
Terry Hoffman is managing the building of these 2 houses and the Sr. Residence. He’s moved into the small farm house with his family for the duration of the project.