Pecan Grove ( Pecan Grove and Senior Residence

September 30, 2019

September 2019

Filed under: Senior Residence — knewman @ 6:48 pm

Kent and Linda Opel brought Tim Hamilton (New Zealand) to visit.  At that time we had 11 residents.  Clarence Rochelle was here temporarily.  Soon after this Dad (Jack Newman) had a bad fall and is still in  a rehab hospital.  We hope he’ll be coming home next week.  Here’s a picture of the residents (Alice is missing), with Kent, Linda and Tim.  The residents in the back row are Gilbert, Ronald, John, Clarence and Jack.  Those in the front row are Lois, Fern, Della and Marybelle.

John came home from the rehab hospital on oxygen.  He gradually improved and now doesn’t need the oxygen.  He seems to have fully recovered from his bout with pneumonia.  Marybelle sometimes has to use a wheelchair because of pain, and other times is able to walk fairly well.

Dominique and Mimi became American citizens!  We’re glad to have them in the US, but even more at PG!

Ron and Anna Furrow visited their son Brendan (married to our daughter Karla).  Here’s the furrows, Karin, Kathy and our 6 grandchildren.  Justin Bartz started working part-time at PG while he goes to college.  Here he’s with his family (wearing an apron).  Lois Rosas has also started working part-time while going to college… we don’t have a picture of him yet.  We’ve only had one man work in the senior residence in the past (Corey Stephens)… now we have 2 at the same time!

Eric and Tina Dean from Massachusetts were here for a visit.  Kathy and I spent the first 3 weeks of September in China.  There were a few days of business, but most of the time we were visiting… wonderful, encouraging visits.  When we returned we did a presentation to the residents and local friends.

In Hong Kong we “ran into” Lewis and Merle Stronge from New Zealand.  Lewis and his brother Nathan visited our apartment in Lanham Maryland October 27, 1979, for a crab feast!  It was amazing to run into each other after so many years.  Here’s 1 picture from Hong Kong and 3 from 1979.  If you’ve never had a mess of Maryland crabs… you’re missing a real mess!




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