Pecan Grove ( Pecan Grove and Senior Residence

July 9, 2008

Kim’s Update

Filed under: Pecan Grove — knewman @ 12:12 pm

Here are some of the more mundane things that are going on around here.

The figs are ripening at an amazing rate. Leona came yesterday to pick some and Jack said that a few people at CTES were interested in some. There are more figs than I can do anything with so I am glad others want some. The birds, wasps, ladybugs and bees are getting their fair share also. I have made some preserves and jam so Ken and Kathy can at least have a taste of what they are missing. I also successfully froze some whole figs yesterday.


The garden is also doing well. The tomatoes are bearing another load. I had picked all those that were red and thought that was the end of them but they have all kinds of flowers and little tomatoes again. Kathy’s cucumbers haven’t quit and the Rosamonds and Jack and Leona and a few others are probably getting sick of them by now. The squash isn’t faring so well. They all got some kind of disease that I still haven’t totally figured out but I replanted a couple of plants and there may be more squash later. The peppers of all kinds are bearing a lot more than I thought they would. I also have pumpkins getting orange and watermelon getting bigger.


I picked a hornworm off a tomato plant this morning. I don’t have picture of that one but here are the four that ate my potato plant. The potato plant is recovering but as you can see it was reduced to only stalks. Since then I have been on the lookout for them. Of course they blend in so well that the first thing noticeable is the missing leaves. kch


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