Many changes have already occurred in the new year, some good and some sad. We’re glad to have Leah Bolt back for the winter. We’re sad that Naomi, Esther, and now Teresa have had to leave. Naomi’s arthritis pain got to the point she was unable to walk, so she went to a nursing home here in Willis, 11 miles from PG. She had been at PG since August 2011. These pictures show Leah with Naomi, some of us with Naomi when she left, and then Hannah and Lety with Naomi in the nursing home, braiding Naomi’s hair.
For a few months Esther had bouts of confusion, during which she needed 24 hour care. Martha and Lois Houston came from Ohio and took Esther back to a nursing home in Morrow. She had been at PG since July 2010. The pictures show Esther with Jennifer, then with Don, Clarence, Martha and Lois, then the PG group when she left, and lastly with Linda at the airport.
Teresa fell and cracked her elbow and a vertebrate in the lumbar portion of her spine. She’s currently in the hospital in Conroe, after which she’ll need to go to rehab, and likely a nursing home after that. She’s been at PG since May 2009. Here’s a picture with Kathy, ready to leave for the hospital.
Joyce came to PG with Marilyn and Nadine for a few days, for Joyce’s 70th. Patty Maki made a fruit birthday turkey for those who couldn’t eat cake! They had a visit with Roger and at the Mille’s while here.
Ron and Sharon Hanson and family from Washington came to visit Alice. Also Ron and Delberta Trevithick from Anchorage came for a visit with Linda Ronhaar.
Some have asked about our new house at PG… we did manage to move in the end of December, but there’s still construction, especially outside. Here’s a picture taken today (it’s 77 deg F), and a picture of frost on the Sr. Residence one morning a few weeks ago.