Pecan Grove ( Pecan Grove and Senior Residence

November 30, 2016

November 2016

Filed under: Pecan Farming,Pecan Grove,Senior Residence — knewman @ 5:40 pm

Ray brought Clinton Goff from Virginia to be our 8th resident in November.  Clinton is in worse condition than our other residents… but is slowly adjusting to PG.  Clinton’s cousin, Don Lewis, who lives near here came to visit with Clarence.  Don said Clinton has several strikes against him, physical, mental and being a Goff!  Takes one to know one.  The cousins are visiting on the couch in the picture below.


Tomorrow Marybelle Armstrong is to join us from Redbud Canyon.  I’ll include that in the December blog.

Other visitors (that we have pictures of) included Jim Stipp, Delbert and Penny Lewis, Robert and Linda Klepzig, and then Marie and Joyce.  Mike Callaway and Dave Larson are here visiting today.


There were about 30 here for Thanksgiving, most shown in the 2 pictures below.


Patrick Kelleher (our son-in-law who works here at PG) had a birthday.  His little son Dylan got a helmet to help straighten his misshapen head.


Here’s Naomi and Roger in the nursing home.  Naomi seems to be gradually improving… we see her up more, and her attitude is good.  Roger is basically completely deaf now… we have to write notes to him, but his spirits are good.  Teresa Goff is in bed more, but is in good spirits.  She’s aware her brother-in-law Clinton is here, but we haven’t been able to take him in to see her yet.


Kathy and I made our yearly trip to Aberdeen Scotland.  A few pictures of our friends there for those who may know them.


Ty has a longhorn cow and a young bull (not related) that will be a longhorn eventually.  The bull follows the cow around like it’s scared.  Bambi (who is growing horns, so is a he) is now sporting a red collar.  Hopefully that will be enough for hunters to notice, now that it’s deer hunting season.  He’s free to roam, but stays close.




October 31, 2016

October 2016

Filed under: Pecan Farming,Senior Residence — knewman @ 5:10 pm

October has been a busy, wonderful month.  The pecan harvest keeps us busy, and the conventions were wonderful.  All 7 residents were at Georgetown full-time.  John, Alice, and Dad were at Mountain Peak.

One big event was Elton’s 99th birthday.  We brought Roger from the nursing home.  Elton’s daughters Karen and Cheryl were able to join us by Skype.


Elton’s son, David, came for a visit and took Elton to Georgetown.  Sandra Wilson (Doris’s sister) and Carol Bush came for a visit. We only got a picture of Sandra petting Bambi.


Alda and Ann Blakemore came to visit.  Ann was a coworker with Doris.  Here they are with Ruth and Doris, adn then with John, Dominique and Mimi.


Bobby Sylvia was at Georgetown (below visiting with Doris).  He came back to PG with us.  Then Glenn Sparks came by and picked him up… they were headed to Effie.  Bobby was in our home a lot when when I was a kid.


The Howdens are now living in Willis.  Deniese spent a day helping out at PG.  Here she’s with Salena and myself.  Jim Stipp is here visiting today.  He knew Samuel in Monteray when Samuel was a kid.


We’re having a reasonable pecan harvest this year, which is nice after having no harvest last year.  Last year the wet spring caused scab, then the crows and squirrels ate all that was left!  This year, we had a wet spring again but we sprayed for scab 5 times.  We had almost no squirrels or crows.  And so we have pecans!  For the first time we’ve identified the types of pecans, and are keeping them separate.  The Pawnees (red on the map below) came in in late September, followed by the Cheyenes (green), then the Chocataws (orange) and finally the Desirables (yellow).  We have about 7 native (N) pecan trees, and have planted a lot of Kiowas (pink), but they aren’t big enough to bear yet.  There are 4 trees (blue) that we aren’t sure what they are, but they have huge pecans like the one shown below.


The pecan harvesting involves shaking the tree, picking them up off the ground with the harvester and running them through the cleaner which uses a big air blower to seperate out the leaves, limbs, etc.  The pecans come out on a conveyor belt and people have to pick out the stones and bad pecans.  Below Amy, Ty, Dad and John are heloing Samuel clean the pecans.  John has found a new use for his golf cart!  After this the pecans are put on drying racks to dry, then sometimes they have to be run through the cleaner again to blow out the empty pecans.


Ty added a cow to his longhorn heard, so now he has a bull and a cow.  Sandy and Bambi are good friends.



September 30, 2016

September 2016

Filed under: Pecan Farming,Pecan Grove,Senior Residence — knewman @ 6:49 pm

In September Bambi lost her spots!  Ok, maybe that wasn’t the most important thing that happened in September, but it was interesting to see how fast it happened.  Here are pictures of her at the beginning and end of the month.  She escaped from her pen for a day or so… then came back.  Now she follows Samuel around like a puppy.


The residents are doing well.  Jean fell and thought she broke her arm, but it wasn’t broken, and she soon recovered use of it.  Raymond had a few falls but seems to be doing fine.  They cut back on the pain medications for Doris… she’s more “with it” and doesn’t seem to have pain.

Terry and Cathy Lawrence came to visit Doris.  We took a group picture which includes the Lawrences (including Joyce who isn’t related), all the residents, Dad, Kathy and myself.


Marilyn, Joyce, and Jennifer visited, shown here with Alice.  Diann and Patty came for the bible study one morning.


Jean turned 93.  Her good friends, Don and Clarence visited here today, pictured with Elton and Hannah in the background.  John had enough fish for another fish fry… so we had 26 here for lunch.


Elton had this picture taken at the nursing home with Roger, Naomi and Teresa (and Hannah).  All 3 do well, though Teresa seems to be in bed most of the time when we visit.  The Nordic’s have a pet wolf, Zeus, who lives here now, shown here with 3 of our grandchildren and myself.


The pecan harvest has started.  There is one of the 8 varieties we have, called Pawnees, that is ready for harvest earlier than the other varieties.  So far we’ve only been harvesting Pawnees.  They are more susceptible to scab than the other varieties, and we had a very wet Spring, so the yield isn’t very good, but it’s a lot better than last year!  Last year the squirrels and crows wiped out much of the crop… this year there are very few squirrels and crows.  We’ve been hunting the few that are here… hopefully the numbers won’t increase for the rest of the harvest.  The pictures show the tractor shaking a tree and then Dad pulling the  harvester, picking the pecans up off the ground.


A business acquaintance that has a helicopter came to visit and gave us rides.  This picture was taken from the helicopter.  The Sr. Residence is in the foreground, and the pecan orchard in the background.




July 29, 2016

July 2016

Filed under: Pecan Farming,Senior Residence — knewman @ 1:35 pm

In July it’s gone from too wet to too hot and dry.  All at Pecan Grove are doing reasonably well.  Ruth had shots in her back for disc problems, which seem to have helped.  Then she was a passenger when a fender bender happened on the farm and her airbag deployed… she’s doing ok from that also.  She had lots of visitors this month, includeing her sister and husband, Martha and Hubert Dawley, George Lee and Cecil Wise.

Hubert and Martha Dawley with RuthRuth and GeorgeRuth with Cecil Wise

George went with us, Karin and kids, and Karla and kids to the nursing home to see Naomi, Roger and Teresa.  All 3 love to see kids!  Naomi was up and dressed… first time I’ve seen her like that since she went into the nursing home!  Roger loves to tell us we all need to be childlike.  The last picture is of George with all 5 kids.  We didn’t get a picture with Teresa… she was in bed but still appreciated the visit.

George, Karla, Kathy and kids with NaomiRoger with Karla, Kathy and 4 grandkidsGeorge with 5 grandkids

Elton is having work done on his teeth… almost 99 years old, lives on sugar… lots of energy… amazing guy!  He’s our official photographer, so often isn’t in pictures.  He asked for the following picture with Kathy and the grandkids… to make sure he got included in the blog!  The second picture is of dad (Jack) with his 9th great-grandchild… Dylan Kelleher.

Elton with Kathy and kidsJack with great-grandson Dylan

Conchita had a birthday.  Here she is with Samuel, then the 2 of them with Dylan.

Conchita's birthdayWith Dylan Kelleher

Samuel’s cousins and others from Mexico visited Samuel and Conchita, and Raymond.  Sorry, I didn’t spend much time with them and can’t tell you all the names.

Samuels Valdez cousins and CeliaValde cousins with RaymondRaymond's visitors from Mexico

Jennifer and Rachel took Alice to Happy for preps and convention.  Carol and Mike Martin and their granddaughter Kayden visited PG. Carol is Alice’s niece… but Alice was at Happy.  That’s the way the timing worked out… glad for their visit.

Jennifer and Rachel taking Alice to HappyCarol and Mike Martin with granddaughter Kayden

Dub and Cindy Johnson came to visit Naomi, and stopped at PG for a visit.  Herbie and Paty Barnette came to visit with Justin Anderson… shown here with dad.

Cindy and Dub Johnson visitHerbie and Paty Barnett, Jason Anderson with Jack

Dominique’s cousin from Paris, Cathy, visited.  Here shes with the group at Clarences on Sunday morning, and then with Elisa (Mille) Herd and Elisa’s 3rd son Eli.  Kathy and I are in France now for some vacation and then for the convention at Chaintreauville which starts August 6th.  We hope to see Cathy, possibly at Chaintreauville and later in Paris.  Kathy and I return home August 11th.

Meeting at Clarences including CathyKathy, Elisa and Eli

After we left for France, Gerry and Margaret Gunderson visited Elton at PG.  Sorry we missed them!  The second picture is on a tour with dad, Sandy and Samuel.

Gunderson's with EltonGunderson's with Samuel and Jack

Dave and Nancy Schmertman came for a visit with Howard and Mary Ann Colson.  They’re in the same North Houston field… but so far away… were glad for the visit.  Bambi still drinks goats milk from a bottle, and makes a mess when she does.  Here Sandy is licking milk off of Bambi.  How old does a fawn have to be to be weaned from goats milk?  The pecan trees are looking good in spite of way too much rain followed by draught!

Schmertmans and ColsonsSandy licking BambiTypical pecan tree


April 30, 2016

April 2016

Filed under: Pecan Farming,Ponds,Senior Residence — knewman @ 9:26 pm

We’ve had some bad storms in April… thanks to those who have been in touch to make sure all were ok here.  In the first major storm, we were fortunate to only get 4″ of rain when Houston got 20″.  A second storm earlier this week caused a lot of damage in Willis (10 miles from PG), but hardly any damage here.  In the third storm, early this (Saturday) morning, we had 5″ of rain in a little over an hour!  Here are pictures taken this morning, the first of the lake and the second of the secondary overflow from the lake.  The secondary overflow should only have water going over it when the water volume is too great for the normal pipe to handle.

Flooded lakeSecondary lake overflow

Ann and Alice Harris visited from New York.  Elton was the elder in the meeting they went to for many years. Here they are with Elton, and then with the 3 in nursing homes Roger, Naomi and Teresa.  Naomi isn’t doing well… loosing weight, not eating… is very weak.  Roger and Teresa do well.

Alice, Elton, Ann HarrisAnn, Roger, AliceAnn, Alice and NaomiAnn, Teresa, Alice

Jon and Gianine Peterson brought Diane and Leland Broughton (sister and brother) to visit.  Here they’re together and then with their old friend Duane Hinkley.

Diane and LelandLeland, Duane, Diane

John caught a bunch of fish… here he is with a bass… so we had a big fish fry when the Broughtons came… over 30 of us.  Kathy and Gianine helped John fry the fish.  The Hawkins boys enjoyed our new dog Sandy.

John with fishCooking FishGroup for fish fryHawkins kids with Sandy

Herman Anderson came with the Makis, while my sister Ronda and Mike Rosamond were visiting.  Dad got cut off in this picture.  Andy and Dorlene Anderson visited Jean.  Ted and Teresa Westerbur brought Ted’s parents for a visit.

Makis, Herman Anderson, Newmans, RosamondsJean with AndersonsWesterburs visit

Alice and I share a common birthday in April.

Alice 87thKens Birthday

Elton’s family arranged for a barbershop quartet to visit PG and sing… it was very harmonious!

Barbershop Quartet

Jennifer and Rachel visited Teresa in the nursing home.  Teresa can still play the piano.  Our meeting Wed evening at Milles is shown in the second photo.  The couples from left to right, Maki, Valdez (with Josh Maki behind), Mille, Newman, Hinkley, Overby and Colson.

Jennifer and Rachel with TeresaWed evening April 27th 2016

Last month I wrote about the pecan tree grafts we had performed.  Here’s two of them (on one tree) a month later.  The graft on the left has a new branch growing out of the top of it.  The one on the right has a new bud.  We’ll have to choose between them when they get bigger.  The leaves at the bottom are new branches that sprang out of the old wild root… we call them sucker branches… and cut them off.  They would quickly outgrow the branches that have been grafted in.

Two pecan grafts


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