Pecan Grove ( Pecan Grove and Senior Residence

September 19, 2008

Hurricane Ike

Filed under: Pecan Farming — knewman @ 5:16 pm

The center of the eye of hurricane Ike passed just a few miles east of the pecan grove.  The residence itself received very little damage… some tar paper was blown off the roof.

The two porta potties for the construction crews didn’t fair as well!

There was damage to the pecan trees, but not nearly as bad as we expected.  A few were destroyed by splitting.  About 25 others were blown over.  We’ve pulled these back up with the tractor and tied them to adjacent trees… they should be ok.

Of the 5 types of pecans we have, the Pawnees are the first to be harvested, usually in the first 2 weeks of October.  Many of the Pawnee pecans were blown from the trees.  We’ve picked a lot of them up and find that they are good to eat, though a little premature.  The following picture shows some Pawnees emerging from their husk.

There was other damage… some of which could be easily fixed…

And some cannot!

The residents found this whole experience very stressful….

For pictures from around our house see the newman family blog in the menu at the top right.


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