Pecan Grove ( Pecan Grove and Senior Residence

February 28, 2013

February 2013

Filed under: Pecan Farming — knewman @ 8:05 pm

All are well at PG.  Esther has recovered from her congestive heart failure.  All were able to attend the Houston special meeting last Sunday.

We’ve had some issues with the camera we use at PG, so please excuse some of these photos.  The following shows the current 11 residents.

Back Row: Betty Lawrence, Frances McPherson, Doris Crawford, Naomi Nicolson, Barbra Hillagoss, Roger Cleveland, Teresa Goff, Mary Jane Pike

Front Row: Bea Jecemenek, Jean Hagemeier, Esther Potts

PG Residents

Noe and Samuel Valdez cooked a special, wonderful, Mexican meal for the us.  The first picture shows them cooking at two “discadas“.  Now a discada is  a special stainless steel cooking pot similar to a wok.  But originally they were made from disk’s used in the field.  The following picture shows them cooking.  The second shows the 2 Valdez families with Joyce and Marilyn.  The 3 in the center, Samuel, Brisy (holding a dog) and Conchita work at PG.  The 2 chihuahua dogs were just visiting, and had nothing to do with the food!

Noe and Samuel Cooking Valdezs, Joyce, Marilyn

We had several visitors at special meeting time, including Joyce and Marilyn above, Edith and Andrea (in the first picture below), and Duane and Leslie Beddoe in the second picture.

Edith and Andrea Duane and Leslie

Doris’s sister Sandra Wilson visited with Carol Castleberry.  Below they are shown with Doris.

Sandra, Doris, Carol

Kathy and I went to Deltona Florida to see Frank Porter, who left PG last September.  He’s in a nursing home near his sister, Jean Porter.  We were surprised when Frank knew who we were.  He has gone down hill a lot since he left PG, but he continues to have a thankful spirit.  Jean Henry is in the same nursing home.  The first photo below shows Frank, Kathy and Jean Henry.  The second is of Jean Porter and Kathy at Jean’s place.  The third is of Frank at Jean Porter’s place taken by Phillip Farris after we left.

Frank Kathy and Jean Henry Jean Porter and KathyFrank at Jeans

Our son-in-law, Brendan Furrow (father of the twins) arranged for 18 of the friends to come to PG to play paintball.  Samuel cut a special trail into the woods so they could use a part of this farm that I’ve rarely seen.  Kathy and I didn’t play… we babysat the twins :).  It sure looked like fun… I think I’ll play next time.

PaintBall Pecan Grove (2) PaintBall Pecan Grove


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