Pecan Grove ( Pecan Grove and Senior Residence

September 30, 2021

September 2021

Filed under: Pecan Grove,Senior Residence — knewman @ 6:25 pm

September has been a cooler month, mostly because of the much needed rain we’ve been having. We finally managed to get our pecan tree irrigation system working, the day it started raining!  These cooler days are great, especially for those residents who enjoy their early morning walks!

Fern has been concerned with a growing pain in her left arm, the side most associated with heart problems. She mentioned that it was radiating to her chest as well, so Salena offered to take her to the hospital. She was reluctant to go because of the long wait times, but was worried enough to finally go. Here is a picture of an exhausted Fern after having waited hours to finally get a bed.

They ran several tests on her and found spondylosis on multiple levels of her cervical spine. This means the nerves are being compressed and causing the arm pain. The doctor recommended physical therapy and she has been responding well to the therapy and chiropractic treatments. Fern was pleasantly surprised by a few visitors this month. Dub and Cindy Johnson long time friends of Fern came to give the residents hand made quilts and masks! How thoughtful! Here is a picture of Fern and the Johnsons as well as Fern smiling while talking with an old companion Sherdenia.


Fern was not the only resident to get a few visitors either.  Old friends of Pecan Grove: Samuel and Conchita Valdez along with his brother and sister-in-law Noe and Malena came for a brief visit with everyone. Ty Nordics parents, Gary and Sharon stayed with us a few nights while preparing for their granddaughter Shanaye’s wedding.  Gillian and Wendall Wilson came to visit Ronald.

Elton’s daughter, Karen Cleveland is in town for his 104th birthday next month. More of the family will be joining us closer to the day (Oct 10th). His son David will be traveling with him to Georgetown English the following week. Here are a few pictures of father and daughter hanging out together and sharing one of Elton’s prized possessions: chocolate!


We told Karen we didn’t have the normal number of pictures for today’s blog post, and she sent us some she’s been taking:

We visited Mr. Gilbert today.  He was in good form.  He was SO thankful to receive a workers list from Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama.  What a wonderful spirit.

Not all of our guests this month have been human. Fall is bird migration season here in Texas and this month we have had several unique species show up on the grounds. Kenny decided to dust off an old humming bird feeder and hang it back up. Within hours it was swarming with guests! Here are some quick shots of them landing to drink.

The residents have really enjoyed being able to watch them flit overhead. We also have a pair of bald eagles nesting near the pond and several egrets that like to fish from the shore! Ken saw what looks like a hawk while mowing. Here are a few pictures we managed to capture.

All of the residents are doing well but are anxiously waiting for convention. We’re all getting our covid booster shots… and looking forward to Georgetown.  Some will go to GT Spanish. Most will go to GT English.

Kenny & Ken

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