Pecan Grove ( Pecan Grove and Senior Residence

October 31, 2023

October 2023

Filed under: Senior Residence — knewman @ 6:11 pm

We are sad to report that Louis Schroeder has passed on. He was up late one night and had a fall that broke his hip. Shawn called the ambulance and they took him to the hospital where he was deemed too weak to undergo surgery. They put him on hospice and he only lasted a week. His family is here to support Elsie and prepare for the memorial service.

October is our busiest month, and this one started off with a bang! Day one we had a union meeting followed by a potluck! Here are Elton and Dawn playing a duet at the potluck.

Also it finally began raining! And when it rains, it pours. Here is a video of the rain all of the residents were commenting about and some photos of the life it brought. Also, we found a small kitten in the field so we have a new cat named Jazzy, as well as our residence cat Kitty Kitty being her regal self.

We have a new eagle resident! Kenny named him Major, here he is hunting and again being run off by some crows.

Where eagles dare
Crows say you’re not welcome

Elton turned 106! Time goes by so quickly here, and we celebrated early this time. He got two birthdays. His kids came in for the event, and his Granddaughter Libby as well. Kathy made a “cherry surprise” for the potluck and it was a big hit with Elton. So for his birthday we made three! Here they all are enjoying his “train” cake and opening presents.

October is our busiest month because of the back to back birthdays, and of course convention. Right after Elton, our very own Abigail turned 25!

Elton and Abigail were not the only ones with big birthdays this month. Anita turned 56! Here she is celebrating with her family and staff…

Elsie also had a birthday this month, she turned 95! We enjoyed having her family again.

Don, Carol, Elsie and Abigail

Fall has fallen upon us quite nicely. The residents who don’t go for walks like to enjoy the fresh air by sitting in the sun. Here are a few patrons of the Pecan Grove day spa.

We also enjoyed a host of visitors this month. Including a friend from Ecuador, Pearl Musgrove. Here she is with the residents and Patty Maki who picked her up at the airport during her ten hour layover.

Resident Journals

Alice Oetken

Alice was disappointed that she was not able to go to Spanish Georgetown. But, the staff made sure to put the meetings on the loud speaker so she could enjoy them. She was able to attend Georgetown English. Here she is enjoying a magazine with Joyce, and Alice being chauffeured on the golf cart at Georgetown.

Joyce Nabor

Joyce was hesitant to go to the convention this year, but with some persuasion and promise that there will be many to help her there, she decided to go. She also enjoyed the company that came during Elton’s birthday and had a nice walk and talk with Elton’s granddaughter Libby. Here they are together by the pond.

Marie Mounce

Marie was able to get to both Spanish and English Georgetown, as well as Effie in her home state of Louisiana. She was tired but very happy for all the fellowship and greetings from old friends. Here she is being taken around at Georgetown, and riding to Effie with Gary and Susan Peter.

Ronald Elliott

Ronald was debating about going to both Spanish and English Georgetown. After some deliberation he decided to just go to Spanish. He knew several of the visiting workers. Here he is with a few of them: Jonathan Aceves, Archie Carson, and Samuel Herrera.

Louis and Elsie Schroeder

Elsie took Louis’ death pretty well. She knew it was only a matter of time but it is still a lot to process. Elsie enjoyed a visit from her family for her birthday, and the support and love she got from her sister Roberta Stipp and companion Gloria Edwards, brought here by Joy Holden. Here they are together.

Esther Duncan

After being at conventions previously this year in Tennessee and Kentucky, Esther was still eager for more. She had the special privilege of being able to go to Texarkana this month also. Here she is at Georgetown

Marilynn Frye

Marilynn was very excited to be able to go too both Spanish and English Georgetown. She even got to speak first on Sunday. She enjoyed seeing those she labored with, and some who flew in from Mexico to be there. Here she is doing laundry with Marie.

Elton Cleveland

Elton had a busy couple of weeks with his 106th birthday and family coming in. David came for a while and stayed through conventions which was nice for Elton. Elton did not go to Georgetown with David this year but was able to listen here at PG. Here he is trying out Anita’s birthday gift, then with his 2 remaining children, David and Karen.

Gwen Farmer

Gwen has been gone most of October. She went to New Mexico to visit her sister in law and go to a few planned doctors appointments there. She came back for Georgetown English, then went to Mountain Peak and returned to PG after. Here she is helping with laundry at convention.

Fern Duncan and Gilbert Reese

Fern and Gilbert have been doing well. They seem content with their arrangements and appreciate the ones who stop by for a visit. Here’s a picture of Fern reading her mail that Salena brought her. Richard Gasser and Lyle Fisher came back from Mountain Peak with us to Pecan Grove and then went to visit Gilbert. Lyle’s grandmother was a sister to Roberta and Elsie.

We really enjoyed our convention time. The residents who went were very pleased to see their old friends and companions again. Here is a medley of photos from their time at Georgetown, as well as the traditional stop on our journey, Freddie’s.

The folks renting our cabin, Chris and Allison, have set up game cameras on the property. Here are video’s of a buck and a bobcat at about the same location near the cabin.


We’ve started a project today, Halloween, to replace some rotten beams in the porch roof of the Sr. Residence.

Ken, Kenny and David Cleveland

We appreciate your continued interest in us here.

Kenny and Ken

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