Pecan Grove ( Pecan Grove and Senior Residence

July 31, 2022

July 2022

Filed under: Pecan Grove,Senior Residence — knewman @ 5:41 pm

July was HOT.  But otherwise a good month!  The 11 residents are about their usual.  Samuel and Conchita Valdez (who lived and worked here several years) came to visit with Samuel’s brother Noe and Malena.  Gary and Susan Peter have been helping Gilbert Reese get out to meeting most Sundays.  They brought him to union meeting at PG and stayed for lunch.  The second picture is of Gilbert talking to Alice before Mimi gave him a much needed haircut.  The third picture is of Mimi, Susan, Marie, Gilbert and Gary, after Gilbert’s haircut.

Marie’s birthday was July 3rd, but we celebrated it at lunch time on July 4th.  The group at the table includes Diane Thorburn (Salena’s mother) who has been here a few weeks in July helping Kenny and Salena get ready to move into the house Goldners vacated last month.

Supper on July 4th was on the porch.  Later from the porch we watched fire works and shot roman candles.

Marilynn  was picking vegetables from the garden, which is nearly finished now.  Kenny makes up sayings he thinks the residents may enjoy.  Joyce and Della enjoy a game together.  Esther made marmalade.

Don and Becky Schroeder visited Elsie and Louis.  Rich and Malachi returned after Happy.  Here Rich is visiting with Elton.  Carmen Schluter and her children Liam and Mela visited.

Ken and Kathy’s 6 grandchildren are here often in the summer.  Here’s Evren Furrow learning to drive, Karin, Katelyn and Dylan Kelleher with Kathy and Ken, and then all 6 ready to launch a rocket.

Rich and Malachi just had a gospel meeting at the residence… maybe 80 or so there.  One family we’re glad to have back in the US after 4 years in the far east is Jon and Gianine Peterson and their sons Julian and Jordan.

Thanks for your interest in Pecan Grove!

Ken, Kenny and Salena

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