Pecan Grove ( Pecan Grove and Senior Residence

February 28, 2022

February 2022

Filed under: Pecan Grove,Senior Residence — knewman @ 6:31 pm

The Texas special meetings were in February, ending here in the Houston area. We were glad to have all of the workers here Tuesday for a workers meeting and lunch/hymn sing.  We have a new worker starting out in our field, Malachi Klor. He started here with Rich Raschke last Tuesday. It wasn’t clear who was more excited, Rich or Malachi!  Malachi’s parents Scott and Kimberly Klor also were able to join us for the special occasion. Here are a few pictures of the new companions, the Klors, and the gathering.


Today (2/28) John VanDenBerg and Kent Williston were with us for our morning bible study and they asked for a group picture.  Our 8 residents include the 6 ladies up front, Marilynn Frye, Alice Oetken, Marie Mounce, Fern Duncan, Esther Duncan and Della Bolt.  In the back: John VanDenBerg, Dominique Mille, Ken, Kathy, Elton Cleveland, Ronald Elliott, Kent Williston and Shawn Bass.  Ty Nordic took the picture.

Della has been waiting for sometime to get a much needed bladder surgery done. Unfortunately, when she was tested for covid prior to her surgery her test came back positive! We had to go into lockdown here at PG and she was quarantined during that time. We tested everyone here at PG and Della as well.  All tests (quick and PCR) came back negative. That was a good sign for the residents, but that still meant that Della’s surgery had to be postponed until after quarantine. Fortunately, she was able to get the surgery later without further incident. Her daughter Henrietta came from California to be with her for the week of her surgery. Afterward Henrietta was joined by her two sisters Chris and Della Mae. Della made a speedy recovery and is nearly back to her usual self. Here are a few pictures of Della before and after her surgery recovering with family!


In other medical news, Marilynn suffered a fall recently. She was fixing the rug in her bathroom when she lost balance and fell on her left knee. We took her the doctor and they found that she fractured her knee cap. Being Marilynn she took this in stride, and has been doing quite well pushing herself around in a wheelchair. She even makes jokes about her new condition, nothing keeps her down! We have her scheduled for some physical therapy to help get motion back into her left leg; but so far she has it straightened out on a “highly specialized” foot rest made for her by David Cleveland. Here she is showing off her new and improved wheelchair!

Lois and Gilbert are still hanging in there at the Park Manor nursing home.  Lois has her good and bad days.  Sometimes her mind is clearer than other times.  Both had several visits during special meeting week.  Ken and Kathy hung a bulletin board for each of them so that they could have pictures to remind them of their wonderful friends. Here they are posing next to their new display boards, and then a picture of Lois with her Valentines day bouquet!

Ronda Rosamond (Ken’s sister) came from AR for a few day visit with Jack, Lois, and Gilbert. Here are some pictures her with Lois, Gilbert (and Kathy) and Jack with Kathy, Karin, Katelyn, and Dylan Kelleher.

We had a lovely visit from our friends Andy and Aleta young, who generously brought us some of their fresh butchered beef!  Mark and Donna Richtsmeier from Hunter ND visited, shown here with Wayne and Dawn Overby and then with Marilynn Frye.

Alice’s cat has learned to come through her window, which keeps her out of sight and out of mind for the other residents.  The cat has done more for Alice than any doctor could do!

Recently we have been discussing the possibility of there being two new residents added to PG: Louis and Elsie Schroeder. They were brought here for a one week trial visit by their son and his wife: Don and Becky Schroeder. Both of them are good physical shape, considering they are 98 and 93 respectively! Both of them are very out going and talkative, making them the life of the party around here! They seemed to do well and enjoyed visiting with the residents one on one.  They are planning on moving here sometime in March.  Here are a few pictures of them at PG.


February is the month for two special birthdays here at PG; Patty Maki (71) and Mireille Mille (72)! Here are some pictures of them enjoying their birthday celebrations!



Thank you for your interest in us here.

Kenny and Ken

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